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Ahiira regrets! She finally regret it now that she is about to be killed!

Whenever oscar casually move even a single paw. Ahiira would growl in warning.

She was stuck in the corner of the cave. She cant see an escape with oscar in the way. "Why.."

Oscar has seen other animals with a condition like her. Even Sadairi, the king of giraffes has a white body. Oscar owes this cheetah his life.

"I owe you my life." Oscar's voice broke the atmosphere. "I still need time to recover... Im offering you a partnership"

Ahiira had distrust in her eyes when she look at him. "Even if you are overthrown, you are still oscar. The tales about you is all over the savannah. And those tales always gives a sign never to trust you."

The great Lion king. Oscar had tales of how he overthrown his father, killed his male siblings, killed hyenas, and many more. And yet again, why did she save him?

Oscar knew this would not be easy. But her distrusting eyes gave him a hopeless feeling.

But he was really saying the truth this time.

He needs time to rest and regain his strength. If he wanted, and if that time really comes, he could take back his throne.

He wasnt worried about ahiira betraying him.

She feed him for unknown reasons and made him better. She wouldn't just betray him. Somehow he believes she wont.

"You and i know what you lack,." she is a good hunter. But against the kings, what she lack can be obvious. "I can protect you against them, in exchange you will hunt for both of us"

Ahiira hesitated. Her tail swayed. She look at him.

His eyes are sharp golden, it was full of dominance. This deal is obviously how a pride was managed.

Lioness will hunt and lions will protect the pride from enemies. But the difference this time is that they are two different species.

But,.. Ahiira has many reasons why she is hesitating.

"You cant kill me, after or before the partnership. You wont kill me" ahiira said.

Oscar stood up, and thump his feet on the ground. His eyes were sharp "I.. Oscar will not kill you." that was a solemn promise from his soul.


"Givan became the king of the pride." James used his telescope. The camera man beside him was wincing as he adjust the camera to the direction James was pointing. "Givan, with his brother ameer. Reach a consensus with the two new adult brothers. Rashi and sheelav."

But, this tie would soon be broken. Like what had happened to the other pride that was in the same situation like this.

One team will remain, and the other dead.

But at this time, the new lions would try to mate with as many lionesses who is in estrus.

Givan was not also someone to be trifled with. He atleast can rule the pride without any casualties.

"Its looks like Givan's side is doing fine. Lets check the elephants" the car started, and they traced the elephants into a puddle.

"The elephant group is lead by the matriarch of all elephants, Shava." Shava is the biggest in the group. And her ears are a little torn. Caused by human hunting that she survived when she was a child.

"Shava havent change. Her group even expanded." James came here 3 years ago. And along the elders in the village, he studied the groups of this animals. And learn how they live. He had great respect to these kings. "Shava have 3 new cubs in the family."

He uses his telescope again. And pointed at something and explains them.

Suddenly, the running gazelles caught his gaze. The gazelles were in frenzy, this means a predator is hunting.

The camera man adjusts his camera, and followed the gazelles.

A white familiar form caught james. "Shes here again!" he exclaimed. Then sighed. "She truly is a great hunter,.." theres only a few cheetah listed in the elders book.

One cheetah that interest him the most was mirakai. A female cheetah who was said by the elder, was one of the best hunter in savannah years ago.

Mirakai had children that was listed down, but they suddenly vanished and was never traced again.

He did not saw mirakai, but a vague image of her was painted in the books. And it slowly merged with the cheetah in his sight.

The white cheetah did not aim for the cubs this time. Instead she aimed to the biggest.

James slowly furrowed his brows. No, this is not right. Ahiira's strength and weight is not enough to take down this adult gazelle.

He had seen ahiira hunt before, and she was precise and careful. What made her do this decision?

Ahiira seperated the adult gazelle from the group and lead it away.

James immediately started the car and followed her. The camera was filming the whole scene.

James saw the cheetah leading the gazelle in the bushes. Why would she lead the prey into a harder place to hunt?

But his doubts are all answered when the bushes parted. And a familiar dark maned lion jump on the adult gazelle. Killing it effortlessly in one bite.

James stopped the car and hurriedly took his telescope. "Oscar is alive! Oscar is alive!"

He halted, and watch as the cheetah hesitated in oscar's direction.

Oscar removed his bloody mouth from the gazelles neck and licked his mouth. He did not stop the cheetah from getting closer, and instead used his paw to push the hesitating cheetah to his side.

James watch their interaction with awe and surprise.

The cheetah lowered its head and started eating. It was even glancing at the guarding lion once in a while. What if he will go berserk and slap her to death?

In the pride, even if lionesses do most the hunt, the lions had to eat first and the left overs are left to the lionesses and the cubs.

But oscar had let her eat first. "Eat, you dont have to worry" he was talking about other predators.

Ahiira had problems with scavengers, but with Oscar, she knew she would have no problem with enemies while eating.

"Unbelievable.." james was so shocked. He watch as the cheetah eat her fill and rested on the side. As finally the lion, Oscar finally started eating the left over.

He ate everything, leaving only the bones.

After eating, his stomach bulged and he walk under the shade and rested.

James could not believe what he had witnessed. A cheetah and a lion cooperating together for survival.

It was a great story.


Ahiira never expected that the benefits she will get in this partnership would be a great help. She rested with a bulging stomach, and gaze at the lion across her.

He was still not fully recovered. But the way he moved earlier was a shock to her.

She look up to the sky. The drought is nor getting any better.

"We will cross the river soon." Oscar suddenly said. "We will start our journey tomorrow. We will find a way and avoid another pride's."

"After crossing, our partnership is done?"

Oscar was silent for a moment. "Mm." he only said.

Ahiira look away and look at the sun. Slowly drifting to sleep.

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