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The sub adult gazelle lowered his head, trying to stomach the dried brown grass under his feet. Finding a little bit fresher grass among the dried ones.


The delicate sound made the gazelle's vigilance reach its peak.

Before the gazelle could see the predator amongst the grass. Ahiira made a run towards it.

The gazelle jumped and scurried away. "Run!! Run for your lives!!"

The other gazelles ran away after this warning.

Ahiira only has her eyes focused on one prey even amongst the others scurrying away.

"Aahhh!! Help me!!"

Ahiira could run fast, but they only have 5 minutes to use this super speed, so a cheetah must be agile, precise and focus.

Its been a day since she last hunted. And scavenging for dead bodies can give her nothing. And she didnt like the smell of rotting meat at all.

Oscars group is the largest and strongest among lions. Thats why he was claimed king among all the lions in savannah.

With a big family and many mouths to feed, they had to hunt preys almost 4 times for every meal.

The running gazelles immediately drew their attention. As the lionesses made a stance. "Someone is hunting"

The white and fast predator was very eye catching. The cheetah was not to be underestimated, the only problem with them is their small body and weakness.

The cheetah bit the neck of the gazelle. And firmly lock it in place. As soon as the gazelle stopped struggling, ahiira finally noticed the eyes watching her.

Her blue eyes was directed to the most eye catching figure in the pride.

Oscar has the darkest mane among his brothers , and larger form.

The lionesses noticed her successful hunt, as greed flashes in their eyes. Its the law of animal world. The weak will give way to the strong if they want to survive.

The lionesses already walk closer to the cheetah.

A surprising growl came out of the cheetah's throat. It was a warning, she wont give up her kill.

The lionesses became more eager to steal the kill and smash this tiny animal.

But the growl of oscar stopped them. "Lets go. We are not so weak to steal a prey from someone lower than us"

The lionesses hesitated and look at each other. Then followed behind the king.

Ahiira doubted her ears, she watch the pride get further away from her. Oscar look back and saw the cheetah giving him a nod. As she drag the kill to a hidden spot.


Hovloong : 'Am i the only one who got goosebumps watching that?'

Greenmind: 'Add me! I thought aside from hyenas, cheetah's is lions mortal enemy?

James watch oscars group leave the struggling cheetah who has dragging away her prey. "Lions are territorial, and it is indeed very strange.."

Oscar had killed many other predators, such as wild dogs, hyenas and specially cheetah's. But his move today is not expected.

James watch the beautiful cheetah feed on her kill. And suddenly hit by a feeling, that this might be getting interesting.

James had chosen the top kings of savannah to participate in the ultimate king selection.

Garole is the king of crocs

Oscar is the king of lions

Hiiro is the king of rhino's

And etc.

Some had actually taken interest in his little hobby. And was planning to make a channel for this, worldwide.

James would of course naturally agree.

"Things are getting more interesting. I may not continue my live stream." james laughed when he watch the comments getting frenzier. "Relax! My show will be aired on tv worldwide! You can watch my shows on ××× channel every 6:30 pm. I promise to give you an exciting story"


"You have been ruling enough oscar."

Oscar followed the circling males around him with his gaze. He expected this day to come. That maybe one of his brothers or sons will overthrow him on the throne.

But it still brought a bad feeling in his chest.

"You think you can kill me givan?" Oscar was the oldest of the three brothers. When they reach their sub adult form, their father would naturally drive them out from the pride.

Oscar left with his two brothers, and became a stray, he lead his brothers to the path of success. Overthrow his father and took the title of king of all the lions.

And after years of ruling, the day he expected finally came.

"I cant kill you all by myself indeed..." givan had witnessed the terrifying strength of his brother all through the years they had been together. So.. He had called some outside help.

Two new adults had agreed to overthrow oscar. If they would have a place in the pride.

Oscar's gaze did not waver, instead they became more ferocious.

This battle will ensure the life of his offsprings. Givan seem to read what is on his mind. "Do not worry oscar, i will not kill your offsprings, they are also mine after all"

The lionesses gave a distance. Oscar is the king, and they wanted to protect him. But they can do nothing against three overpowered males.

Ameer was like a little follower among the three. He is worried, but guiltily let givan do his bidding. Inviting two stray males to overthrow oscar.


Two lions clashed together. Oscar showed his strength, he swipe givan with his paws, creating blood marks on givans face.

The two bystander did not stand by either. They jump on oscar. The other biting his back, and the other his leg.

"Rooarr!!" oscar abandoned givan and bit the neck of the lion biting his leg. Then struggled to get the other in his back, slapping it with all his strength.

The four was in a deadlock, Oscar is wounded, and very clear that he wont survive.

The lionesses had already lost hope in him. Even if he survive, he would be lame.

Givan was naturally satisfied. "I can make you chose brother, i will kill you, or you will leave this pride and never come back"

Oscar rather die than concede. He has great pride, truly like a king. "Ill die fighting!"

Oscar bit the other male, he didnt care about the claws and bites from the other.

The scuffles with oscar, the three paid with heavy price. Even if they ganged up on him, he deserves to be called the king of the lions, he still has strength to counter the three of them.

Finally driven mad by the unsuccessful attacks. Givan and the two males drag the fight near the river, filled with many crocs. And pushed him with a big splash.

Givan look down at him with a glare. As the thunder flashes in the sky. And rain finally started.

The viewers are thrown. And many had posted in social media. Saying as if they had witnessed a real life situation of lion king, where scar had killed his own brother.

But the difference this time is oscar betrayed by his brother and was scuffled in a brawl where he clearly was in a bad position.

Many viewers, specially those who like oscar became discontent. But that was the way of the world.

James watched the fight until his fall. He just sighed and packed up his camera.

Only miracle will save oscars life.

But he was a great king. And that is no lie.

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