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Eurielle stared at herself in the mirror, out of her mind. She only snapped awake when a honking car bypassed her house.

Then she look at herself again in the mirror. Smiling as she took picture of herself and sent it to elsa for some advice.

Elsa sent a heart emoji with praises.

Eurielle took a deep breath, smiling as she caress the waist of her red dress.

Her first date!

Since she finally been freed from her whole clans 'loving arms' this is her first date with a man she likes!

And the excitement of it was enough to make her unable to sleep.

There was a knock on her door, and she knew who was behind the door.

Ybarra faced the door, taking consecutive deep breaths, holding one single rose in his hand.

He has been trying.., atleast to fall asleep. But the thought of their first date.. Was like a poison.

He was so excited last night! Why the hell is he so nervous now?!

He took a deep breath calming himself. Dammit, this is not the first time he had dated someone yet why is he acting like a school boy on his first date.

He raises his hand to knock, but before he could do it, the door opened on its own.

Revealing her in that beautiful dress...

He stared.. He just stared dumbfounded..

Unable to react,

She shyly smiles.. Feeling her heart beating in her chest as she played with her fingers..

Blushing as she look down..

"How.. How do i look? " she mumbled shyly.. Waiting for his reaction.

When she didnt get his reaction for a few seconds.. She raise her head to peek at him..

Only to be shocked at his nose bleeding.

"Oh my god! " she freaked out, nervously cupping his face..

Such their height difference was so huge, yet she still manage to cup his face as she tip toed.

"Are.. Are u okay? " her emerald eyes shining in worry.

He stares at her... Not responding, and another wave of blood fell from his nose.

"Its.. Its beautiful" he put a hand on his nose, looking away with a blush.

Shit shit shit shit!

Hes acting like a fucking virgin!

Her eyes widened.. Suddenly realising the reason of his state.. She blushes.. Lowering her head with a shy look.

Smiling softly..

"Thank u.. "

Her soft voice strikes his heart like an arrow, as he could clearly hear the sound of wedding bells ringing.

They look away at each other, blushing like little children admitting their first crush.

He then clears his throat,

Wiping the blood properly of his nose. "For u.. " he gently gave her the single stem of rose..

She smiles.. Reaching it. "Thank u.. Its looks beautiful... "

He smiles.. "Ur more beautiful.. I mean it.. " they blush again.. Smiling.
"Lets go?.. " he looks at her with sparkling eyes. Offering his hand..

She giggles, taking his hand. She can see how huge their difference in size.. His palm, which were huge can easily cover two of her palms..

Yet.. She likes it.. He felt comfortable.. And big,.. Someone like she could rely on.

He drove to a beautiful restaurant,.. And he booked the most expensive room.

Up the VIP room, she can see the beautiful city light sparkling like jewels..

Its so beautiful.. Her eyes shone brightly..

"Its so beautiful.. " she murmured..

He watch her watch the city lights as he smiles to himself. Loving the sight of her, her eyes sparkling more like emerald.. Her golden hair shining like gold.

"Im happy.. " he says suddenly.. "U agreed to go on a date.. " he clears his throat and blushes..

Looking at her.

"Can we.. Get to know each other again? " he starts blushing..

She blinks.. Smiling softly., "id like that.. " shes at ease with him.

At least, he wasnt like the other guys trying to get to final base like her sister told her..

He takes it slow.. And made her comfortable in his presence.

"My name is Ybarra. . Im currently 32 years old.. " he clears his throat. "And im a tiger beastman.. "

She smiles..

"Im eurielle, im 24 years old.. And im a cat beastman.. "

She said softly..

He stares at her in daze.. Suddenly feeling his tiger roaring inside him. 'A cat beastman! A cute cat! I wanna see! '

Oh how adorable it would be! And if their cub is a girl, it will be cool! And if there cub will also be a cat beastman.. It will be even awesome!

Ahhh.. Such future..

He wants it!

Ybarra felt his whole being firing up in excitement.. Smiling evilly to himself..

'Hehehe.. Dont worry my cub, daddy will start working with mother soon to bring u to the world'

For unknown reason, eurielle felt a chill pass her body..

What was that?


A black car stops infront of an apartment.. The expensive car is clearly owned by someone of a high status.

There, came down ybarra, he turn to the other side and opened the door for her.,

She smiles at him as she come down..

He then walk her to the door, he looks intently at her, his golden eyes darkened.

How much he just want the time to stop,..

How much he wants to be with her... Its driving him crazy.. But.. He knows he has to calm down.. This is not the right time.

But when the right tine comes.. He chuckles.. He will strike.. And make sure to aim right..

So he can bring his litte padded jacket to the world fast.

Ah.. 'Look how much daddy is thinking of u' he pouts.

"Thank u.. I enjoyed it.. " she smiles at him, a red tint on her cheeks.

He smiles, looking at her intently. He likes how her eyes shine looking at him, how she smiles at the sight of him.. Its.. Addicting.

"U deserve the best.. " he smiles.. His handsome face became more attractive as he gently look at her. He lowers his head.. Waiting for her to at least turn away.. Or push him.

She tightly closes her eyes when be lowers his head.. Blushing..

Oh she knows what hes gonna do,.. She felt nervous, and scared.. And yet she couldn't push him away..

Instead.. She long to kiss and feel those lips.. She wants to.

He smiles softly.. Leaning closer to kiss her forehead.

"Ill wait till ur ready.. " he murmured with a smile. "Just so u know.. Im not gonna give up on u.. "

She felt her legs weakened.. She bit her lips.. Her beastman side can feel the hostility, the extreme territorial possessiveness of this tiger..

Yet.. Why is she so excited?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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