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She had successfully hunted a wildebeest !! She had help but she actually did it!!

She walk to oscar, after oscar removed his bite,he licked the blood of his mouth and urged her. "Lets eat, eat your fill, we will be traveling after we eat our fill."

Ahiira dropped beside him and started eating.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, James and his crew had filmed everything earlier.

Ahiira had started their travel, they only rest when the sun was really hot. And when they were really thirsty, Oscar would dig on the hot sand on the dried river. And taught her the ways of the elephants.

When oscar dug deeper, water started to come out and made a very small puddle.

"I have watched Shava, and learned the way they survived the drought." Oscar's mouth was still dripping with water.

Ahiira drank the water ferociously. The water was quickly dried, Oscar watched the water dripping from her chin. And lowered his head to lick the excess water from her chin.

"We have to hurry" after licking her chin, he drew his head back and yawned. "We must cross the river soon.."

Ahiira watch the swaying tail of Oscar as he walk away. Ahiira shook her head, then followed behind him.

Nothing was alive in the drought, all was dead even the grasses. They bypassed vultures feeding on dead bodies, and even hunted some weak mammals.

Like the zebra they are currently eating. They were still not full when Oscar suddenly raised his head. And he started to growl.

Ahiira immediately became alert. She licked her lips.

"Ahihihihi.. Look what we have here.. The old king oscar is not dead... Hihihi"

Ahiira bared her teeth. Hyenas.

The nastiest enemy you could ever meet in savannah. And this hyena is not to be trifled at all.

She is not the monarch of all hyenas. But her group is the second largest.

Ahiira watched the hyenas slowly sorrounded them with baring teeth. And Ahiira could only bare her teeth as her tail slid in between her legs.

Oscar shielded her, whenever a hyena comes closer to take a curious smell on her, he would growl and slap it to the ground.

"The ever so strong king oscar is overthrown by his brothers.. Who cheated in the fight.. Hihihi.. Poor poor oscar"

"The hunt is yours mitaih." Oscar growled, and started to guard her behind him.

Mitaih found his moves quite interesting. But her hunger drives her more. She eyed the dead zebra and licked her lips which is dripping with saliva.

"As an old friend.. I will let you go." The hyenas parted, and ahiira and oscar made their way out of the circle. The moment they left, the hungry hyenas started to eat crazily.

"That was close" ahiira slowly relaxed. And look at the lion infront of her. Oscar was a great leader, but the natural circle of life driven him away from the peak.

Ahiira wondered if Oscar is going join another pride after they crossed the river.

Ahiira couldn't trust him wholly. There was also an urge in her to run whenever he comes close. But she is more scared of the consequences she will face if he caught her.

But.. 3 more days left. And she will be free.

The night came, and Ahiira finally found a place to settle down. But she couldnt calm down.. There was an unusual feeling she had never felt before!

She wanted to rub her body all over the rough ground. To remove the itch in her body that she doesnt even know how.

Oscar noticed her uneasiness but only watched her. And continued to groom his fur with his rough tongue.

Ahiira continue to rub herself on the ground. Making a weird whine from her throat. After a few moments, she finally drifted to sleep.

Oscar look around him. His ears twitched, then he stood up and walk near the sleeping cheetah. He dropped to her side, and a smell reach his nose for a brief moment that he stopped moving.

He look down to the cheetah. And sniffed out again. Trying to make sure what he had smelt was right. But the air was already clear. There was no evidence.

He looked down on her. His golden eyes growing golden in the dark night.


Day 3.

Ahiirah has been feeling weird lately. Mostly angry at every turn.

There was an unexplainable itch. Like she wants to do something.. But what? Sometimes she snaps at Oscar. Then the next moment she feels sorry for her little life.

The prey's are a lot plenty in the way all of herbivores aiming to cross the river.

But this also gives them problems. Theres a lot predator in the area. And if unclucky.. They can even meet the previous pride of oscar.

Oscar is alone. Ahiira knew if that happened, he wont survive.

Oscar had been sticking to her strangely. Even when they lay down to rest, he would stay beside her and look out the distance. As if he was guarding her...

But why?

Ahiira slowly relaxed her body. And stretched her limbs.

This is the rarest moment when Oscar is not beside her and sticking to her. She carefully raised her head from the brown grasses. Checking if Oscar is on the look out to find her.

After carefully sniffing, she stood up and shook her fur.

She stuck out her tongue and started to lick her fur. That she never did again after Oscar took the job for her.

She was probably very focused, that she didnt notice the male cheetah watching from the distance.

Urugi has also just reached his adulthood. And left his mother and siblings to live a life of his own. He has always been jolly. And he had met many female cheetah on his way to cross the river.

But he had not seen anyone as beautiful as her.

The moment she appeared on his sight, he had already have the urge to lick her.

Maybe because she is in heat? Who cares!

Ahiira finally noticed him. But there was no reaction on her. Its just that the itch became more.. Urging.

But for what?

Urugi slowly stepped next to her. His tail swayed so happily.

While he advance, she stay on her place and watch him walk to her with no other interest.

The scene came to Oscar when he finally found the cheetah.

The two cheetah standing in the middle of the field stared at each other.

The tails curved up the sky.

A rumbling roar echoed from his chest that seem to made the time freeze.

Ahiira frozed and stared wide eyed. The male cheetah acted late, Oscar roared again. And rushed to the male. He aimed his big claws and slashed.

Urugi saw doom

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