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Tomorrow came faster that she didnt even notice it.

When she woke up, she was startled to see the big face of oscar infront of her face.

She immediately jump away and stared at him with big eyes. So thats why last night was so warm. When she was deep asleep.

He came to her side and cuddled to sleep. It was a surprise he did not squash her with his size!

She look outside the nest, today they will start their journey. It took 4 days to reach the river. She walk out of the nest and started stretching.

Suddenly, oscar made a small growl. Ahiira look back to see him yawning with mouth wide open that his sharp teeth could be seen.

"When do we travel?"

Oscar opened an eye, "Now." He stood up and shook his fur. Then glanced at her. "But first we have to hunt"


"I cant believe this elder!" James had rush back to the village and seek for the old chief, smoking tobacco next to the fire. "Elder! You have to see this!" james took out his phone and searched for the video.

"Mn.. Ive heard. Its all over your so called 'Sosyial mediya'" the elder had seen the video.

And in his 102 years of living, it was still a surprise to see such a.. Miracle.

"I could not believe it! How amazing..  ahaha-"

"Jaymes.. Have you ever thought, that animals are not just animals, that there way of lives are more compound and magical than ours.." the elder suck another puff of smoke. "Years ago, there was a child kidnapped in a village. The kidnappers may not have planned it very well, or maybe they were naturally very rash. They did not have a vehicle, so they took a shortcut, and tried to cross the land to get straight to the road."

The old leader puff a smoke. "Maybe it was heavens will, or an animals pity. The men who kidnapped the child was hunted by lionesses. And the child was protected, .. When we reached the child. We saw the child sorrounded by three lionesses. She was unharmed..." the elder look at the fire. "When they saw us, the lionesses retreated and never look back..."

(P.S. This is actually a real story i have heard about, but this is not how the real story actually goes, most of it is just my imagination.)

James watched the elder. "Then.."

"Mirakai,.. Mirakai was my life savior." The elder raised his eyes, and he smiled. His teeth was incomplete, but his eyes were so warm. "My father was a hunter, and i was very naughty. I followed him one night, and .. I lost my way."

"I cried myself to sleep that night, for i knew, maybe i wont survive. No adult men ever survived in the wild night. But mirakai found me.. And guard me the whole night. Till the sun came up, she hunted for me and traced me back to my father.. Mirakai was.. A gentle beautiful cheetah."

It was like the elder was talking about his first love.

"I have written mirakai's family on this book.." the elder  patted the book that was in his robe. "But.. " he opened the book. Only the two children of mirakai was listed. And they just vanished. "I have never found her descendants.."

The world is so wide and magical. Humans cannot measure the range of this magical world.

"I cant hunt a wildebeest." Ahiira grumbled, she wanted to slap his face in irritation. "Specially if you want me to hunt an adult. They will trample me to death"

There was a hoarse chuckle from oscar. He look down at her. "You cheetah's should be a perfect predator indeed. If only your body sizes are a bit larger."

"Stop with my body size! Dont compare me to you!" Ahiira forgot her fear because of oscar's taunting. She put a paw on top of oscars own paw,and saw the huge difference. "See! I cant hunt an adult wildebeest..."

"I wont let you get trampled to death. You will lead one adult wildebeest to my side."

Ahiira look at him. "Sorry i dont trust you.."

Oscar stood up. "Come with me." he waved his dark mane. And ahiira followed behind. He look back at her. This angle give a menacing light to his eyes that ahiira stopped on her step, subconsciously raising her guard.

But his next words stunned her. "Do not walk behind me .. We are in a partnership."

They are both on the same standing, no one is weak and no one is stronger.

Ahiira did not say anything but hurried to his side.

"Good.. Now.. Let me teach you how to hunt preys bigger than you" he lead her into a open field. There was a group of wildebeest. "You have to stay low.. And try to stay hidden"

Oscar lowered his body in the brown grasses.

"Im not good at this.. I have been discovered many times because of my fur. And i was almost.. Stamped to death by a rhino"

Ahiira feared the big perverted herbivores because of her past experience.

Good thing her mother was there to distract the rhino.

Oscar used his paw to push her down beside him. Like she was almost crawling like him. "You have to be careful, if they notice you, dont move. Stay in your place and dont do additional movement  to alert them"

He uses the grasses to blend. "Follow me.."

"Easy for you to say.." but ahiira followed his movements and lowered her body to the ground.

"Wildebeest are hard to hunt specially in groups. And you have to aim for the old and weak, newborn, or a calf."

"I know that." Ahiira moved her tail.

"Listen.. I want you to seperate that old Wildebeest." The wildebeest was indeed old. "The wildebeest are extremely protective of their young. You would surely get trampled by them. Separate the old one.. Lead him here."

Ahiira look at him. Then stood up, she crawled and tried to mimick what her mother had taught her.

Whenever a wildebeest stare at her direction, she would stop on spot and will not move till it moves away its gaze.

Ahiira slowly crawled near the old wildebeest. Her tail swayed behind her. As she made a lunge!

The white figure was fast and accurate, it startled the wildebeest and made them a bit late to react.

They immediately sorrounded the calf and newborn. Creating a circle.

But ahiira's target was not the young. But the old wildebeest that was seperated from the group.

Ahiira used two paws to scratch the hind leg of the old wildebeest. It started kicking its behind. Ahiira made a distance, and repeatedly scratch its body to the direction of oscar.

Oscar watch the way Ahiira used this trick with a bit of mirth.

When the wildebeest neared him, he jumped from his spot, he bit the neck of the old wildebeest. His two strong claws clamp on the shoulders, and he dragged the old wildebeest down with his weight.

It was a successful kill.

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