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Eurielle blinked.. Then blinked. "Ha? "

The previous scary man turned into a puppy with imaginary tail and ears and sparkling eyes.

Eurielle suddenly giggled. He looks cute!

Her giggle actually caused the man to touch his chest as he blushes.

"No. I dont believe in love at first sight" a lot of people tried to flirt with her. But she is not just interested, with a smile she faced what she is doing again.

But Ybarra did not want to give up. He cleared his throat and step to her other side. "Then how about love at second sight? "

Eurielle stared at him with wide eyes, then burst into a lovely laugh.

Jason watches his son and laugh to himself. Crazy brat, look how fast he had eaten his own words.

Ybarra watch how her gentle jewel eyes curved. And how her soft hair brushes against her face. It just mesmerizes him.. So beautiful.

"My name is Eurielle. "

"Eurielle.. " her name roll on the tip of his tongue. And he just felt that it is incredibly good to hear. As if he is even tasting the aftertaste of her name on his lips. "Ybarra.. Its really nice to meet an angel like you"

Eurielle giggled again. Although she had heard thousands of comments, she cant still stop blushing at those.

"Hello Ybarra.. "

Eurielle shook hands with them. She was surprised to the differences of their two palms together.

His hand is huge. Covering her small palms of her hand.

Feeling the soft sensation, Ybarra closed his eyes and almost groaned in delight.

Then he snap on himself. He actually acts like a freakin pervert!! What the hell?

But her small hands are really cute!! So cute! Cuttteeee!!

Ybarra felt something trickling down his nose as it became painful.

Eurielle screamed in panic "Youre having nose bleed! " then she uses her sleeve to wipe his bleeding nose.

Wrong move! It just got worse!


There is a solemn atmosphere, the ceo calmly drank his coffee hiding the smirk on the corner of his mouth.

Ybarras face is covered in gloomy shadow. His eyes solemnly staring at the floor,

"So.. " his father cleared his throat with a chuckle. "See what i meant son? " his son got his karma faster than he did years ago.

Ybarra took a long deep breath. He used his hands and rubbed it on his face. "Dad.. I dont know what the fuck i did back there.. And.. I had a nose bleed! "

Ybarras face was so red, and jason laughs at his sons disbelieving face.

Ybarra shyly hid his face, his tail and ears appearing out of nowhere. "Dad.. Damn it. I cant believe i had a nose bleed.. What if she thinks im a pervert? "

He cries again.

Jason laugh harder, enjoying his predicament.

Ybarra groaned. Then he imagined eurielles beautiful jewel like eyes. Staring at him, and her soft pink lips in a smile.

He blush harder, jason swears that he could see his sons tail wagging and turning to hearts.

"Ybarra.. " Jason chuckles, then his eyes sharpened suddenly. His previous happy aura was gone and he look sternly at his son with a smirk.

"We may have evolved, but inside we are still beasts. " jason chuckles. "U are a top predator.. And we.. Always get what we want"

Ybarra stare at his father calmly. Ybarra smirk. "Heh.. I wonder how did mom fall in love with u? Have she seen ur real face? "

Jason laughs. "Cubs.. "

Ybarra rolled his eyes. Still hugging the couch pillow.

"So thats why mom married u fast"

Jason chuckled. Patting his shoulder. "Im helping you here son.. Now, be the boss for this company and do ur job. I will rest and have a vacation with ur mom for a year"

Jason says dreamily.

Ybarra rolls his eyes once more. After jason left the office, ybarra took one deep breath.

He calm himself. No.. Its still impossible right? Suddenly falling in love at first sight for a woman... Ughhh!!


Eurielle has been teased by her office mates , she can do nothing but blush and deny. Ybarra.. well he could be like any other man that comes and leaves in her life, she believe so.

The next day, all the employees waited outside the company to welcome the new president. Eurielle kept sweating, the sun is so hot even though its just 8 in the morning, elsa cant stop rambling, "gosh its so hot when will that new boss appear!"

Eurielle chuckles, "he coming now, i heard the manager said.. oh! here he comes!"

A black expensive car stopped infront of him with a screetch. Pair of long kegs came out, dressed in expensive suit of brown color.

Followed by a his all stature, ybarra with his 6'4 height towers like a giant.

Elsas mouth hanged open. "Shit he is really fucking hot. "

Eurielle chuckled, then her eyes drifted to ybarra who is looking at her among all the people. His almost golden eyes seem to shine, like looking at a prey.

Eurielle froze in fear, and she shivered. This top predator are really scary.

Ybarra cleared his throat looking away. But actually screaming like a girl inside. She looked at me!!

His blush was hidden well that nobody noticed it. Ybarra has been turning in sleep since last night, and he only slept for 3 hours.

But he still felt energetic imagining seeing eurielle again..

His whole being screams for her.. He wants her.. So bad.. And he will have her.

Thats what Ybarra promised to himself. He didnt care about his family teasing him but he will have her...

Ybarra sighed dreamily. As if imagining atleast dozen of tiger cubs running around and eurielle laughing.

He quickly shook his head. And cleared his throat. Determination in his eyes.

Today.. He will start his courting!

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