Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"There you are."

Somehow Gordon looked even more exhausted, something Bruce had doubted possible. The effects of that afternoon's press conference, no doubt.

He hadn't stuck around long enough, but judging by Gordon's face after his impromptu announcement, he knew the commissioner was two seconds from strangling him, Prince of Gotham and all. 

Now, with the sun long since faded, replaced with a dreary night sky, Bruce could hide away, and the Batman could come out from his cave. 

"When's the last time you slept?" The Batman rasped at the commissioner who snorted, a sound that lacked any real humor. 

"Let's see? How many months has it been since the Riddler's attacks?"

Bruce couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for the man. 

Not many people involved in the politics of Gotham could be called "honest and good," but Gordon was one of them.

He loved this city, even more than Bruce did. 

He was braver than Bruce too.

While he hid behind a mask, donned a second identity, Gordon was himself 24/7, and Bruce wondered when being so publicly against the crimes of Gotham's underworld would finally catch up to the man.

"I assume you saw the press conference?"

No response. 

Gordon sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Bruce Wayne started a big fucking problem. We've got 30 officers in the squad room right now, answering every damn person in this town, calling for that one mill."

"Any good leads?"

"Yeah, so far the kidnappers could be anyone from an evil Superman to a fucking crocodile. I mean, really? A crocodile?"

Stranger things had happened, Bruce reasoned.

 Just as Bruce opened his mouth to respond, the doors to the roof flew open, revealing an out of breath officer.

"What is it, Ricky?" Gordon shot him a sharp look.

Ricky attempted to speak between huffs of breath. "You're gonna wanna hear this, sir."

Gordon shot the Batman a look before striding ahead, sure the vigilante would follow behind.


"Gotham PD," a bored voice could be heard saying. Heavy breathing followed. "Hello?"

"Look, I don't want any trouble. I know where the broad is. That doctor y'all have been searchin' for. I just, I need a guarantee of protection, like a...."

"A plea deal, you moron."

"Yeah, one of those. A plea deals."

"If you give us verifiable information that leads to the arrests of the kidnappers, I can assure you, we'll try to make it work in your favor." The previously bored voice now sounded slightly intrigued. 

"Tell 'em about the door and the wall." The voice from behind said. "So they know we're legit."

"I don't want any trouble, I just want my money. Listen, the broad's at-"

"What are you morons doing?" A voice from further away snarled.

The call ended with a few moments of static and background noise before the phone was hung up.

"Play that again." The Batman demanded, and the officer, Ricky, obliged.

The background noise was loud, lots of bass.

"A club." Ricky suggested

"There's dozens in Gotham." Gordon sighed. "And I'm guessing you guys didn't track the call, did you?"

Ricky smiled, sheepishly.

"Could be a drunk patron. Sees a report, wants to make a quick buck, or play a prank."

"Play that again." The Batman repeated.

Ricky gave the vigilante a questioning look but obliged.

"How long ago was this recorded?"

Ricky looked at his watch. "About twenty minutes ago."

The Batman turned from the officers, making his way out of the squad room without another word.

"Where are you going?" Gordon asked, following behind.

The Batman turned to look at the commissioner. "To find out where that call came from."

Gordon sighed. "We don't even know if it's the real thing. We've got dozens of people claiming they know where she is."

"Picking apart dead ends to make sure they're dead ends is most of the job, Gordon. You know that."

"You don't think it's a dead end though, do you?"

The Batman shrugged. "Won't know till I check it out."


He knew those voices. 

It had taken a minute, but he knew them. 

When he returned to his cave. He scrolled through clips till he got to them: that night at the bank.

He played the video then the audio back to back.

There was no question about it.

It was them.

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