Chapter 9

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It's my last night on the mountains before having to travel back home. Part of me wants to leave and just go home, but part of me is nervous for what is to come when I get home.

The sleepover.

I already talked to my parents about it and they said yes... after they had to lecture me about "safety". Yeah, it wasn't fun. My dad left half way into it and then mom went deep into it. I don't think I have ever been so embarrassed in my entire life.

As of right now though, I'm sitting on my aunt and uncle's rooftop balcony. The view from up here is absolutely insane. I thought the view from the ground was crazy, but it's nothing compared to this.

As I'm sitting on one of the chairs, I hear the stairs creek. My heart races a little until I see Kinsley. She removes the snow off of the seat before sitting. "Here, I thought you would enjoy a cup." She hands me a cup of hot chocolate. "So, you excited?"

I shoot her a look. "Excited for what?"

"Your little sleepover." She giggles to herself a little. Thank God it's dark out and she can't see my face go a nice shade of red.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm kinda nervous actually." I say and she questions me. "I-I really don't know." Which is true. I'm not nervous because of Harper, maybe I'm just nervous because this is all new to me?

"Anyways, I had a lot of fun with you this weekend, Rose. I miss spending time with you." I can sense the light smile on her face.

"I missed it too, Kinsley. We should hang out one day. I mean we can both drive, so why not?" It's true though. I'm a junior in high school and she's a freshman in collage. It may be a far drive, but it's worth it. "Let me know if you're off for a weekend and maybe we can figure something out?"

"Of course, I'd love too." She says, which makes me smile.

For the rest of the night, the two of us sat up here and talked about anything and everything. It was nice to catch up with her. I mean, Kinsley has always been like a sister to me. She always will be and I love her for that.

The next morning I felt like I was getting rushed out of the house. Mom and dad were yelling at each other (and me from time to time). It's not even like we were being rushed out! They get like this every time we stay over somewhere and it's fucking annoying.

After we all said goodbye and got into the car it felt like the calm after the storm. We all just stopped and took a breath after all of that absolute chaos. Then, we were right onto the road. I'm hoping the ride home will be less agonizing because I don't think I can deal with that again.

The whole car ride was quite and peaceful. Mom was in and out of sleep and dad was just driving and listening to some sports radio he had found. I, on the other hand, was quietly panicking about tomorrow. TOMORROW! Oh my God I think my heartbeat just went faster.

It is what it is.

"I don't know! You're the one here with a sense of fashion, why don't you tell me?!" I yell at Caroline as she stares at me from my bed. I decided to call her to come over while I unpack and talk about tomorrow.

"No. I'm mad at you. Remember?" She says, crossing her legs and arms.

"Caroline, please! I'm sorry, alright?"

"And what are you sorry about?" She asks, turning her head away from me like she's a five year old.

I let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the sleepover sooner."

"Better, now I'll help you choose your outfit!" She jumps up from my bed and runs to my closet, instantly shifting through my clothes. I sit on my bed like I always do when she does this. "So, how was your little getaway?"

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