Chapter 21

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"Did you see him? Did he look miserable?" I ask Caroline. I invited her over when she got back from school, to catch up.

Also to tell her about my plan for tomorrow.

She rolls her eyes. "Fuck Lucas. The question is, did you fuck Harper?"

"Caroline!" I yell at her.

"What? It's a valid question!" She rolls her eyes.

"No." My answer is pretty simple, but now I'm gonna have to explain to this bitch why we didn't.

"You're telling me she didn't touch you or kiss you or-"

I had to cut her off. "You asked if we had sex, that's it. You didn't ask about all of that other stuff."

"Okay let me rephrase this." She takes a second to think. "Did you guys get nasty or no?"

"That was a great rephrase." I roll my eyes. "I guess I would say yes."

"Yes?! Yes! Well, you better tell me what happened." After I basically summarize to her what happened from start to finish yesterday, she stares at me. "What now, Caroline?"

"You're in love." I nod. "She is too." I nod again. "Why don't y'all get together or something?"

"I don't know. I-."

She moves her head to the side. "You what? Tell me."

"I still feel like this is wrong and I'm scared to let to her in. I'm doing all these things because I love her and I want her... but part of me is saying to distance myself and you know that when I listen to that part of my brain-"

She interrupts me, which I'm glad for because I was about to start panicking. "You can't let that part of yourself get to you. I know you think this is wrong, buts it's not anymore. You and Lucas are over, you're seeing someone else."

"Caroline! I hid in her fucking closet so her brother didn't see me!"

"Yes, but you know why!"

"Yeah! Because this is wrong!" I yell back at her, then instantly start playing with the rings on my fingers. "I'm sorry-"

"I appreciate you expressing your feelings. I know where you're coming from and I can totally see your side, but it's alright. Listen, I would never lead you in the wrong direction, Rose. If I thought something was wrong or this was wrong, I would tell you. I love you and I want what's best for you all the time. So, listen to me and think about this."

I give her a smile. "Thanks, Caroline. Also, tomorrow I'm going over and talking to Lucas."

"Can I come? After your done I'll punch him in his ugly ass face!"


She rolls her eyes. "Ugh, why?"

"Because if anything, I want to do that."

"Oh yes, of course." She laughs then looks at me. "Actually, I did see Lucas today."


She shakes her head, like she's pissed. "He looked at me. Looked me dead in the eyes as we were passing each other in the hallway. Rose, I don't think I've ever gave someone a more dirtier look in my life."

"You've never really liked him."

"I absolutely hate him and his existence." I start to laugh at her comment, but the doorbell rings. "Is that your parents? Are they home?"

I shake my head. "I don't know why they would ring the doorbell if they have keys." I make my way out the room and down the stairs. I open the door to find a surprise.

"Hey, pretty." She says, handing me a plate of cookies.

"What's this for?" I ask, taking the plate and smiling at her.

"I thought it would make you feel better about tomorrow. Remember, I will be right upstairs and if anything happens-"

"Oh, but I'm sure you'll be listening in." I taunt as she just gives me a smirk.

"Is that the Harper Riggs?!" Oh lord.

"Oh... Caroline, right?"

Caroline reaches us and puts a hand out. "It is a pleasure to meet you more professionally. The last time we meet... ya know."

"Oh yes, I remember. You don't... hate me, right?" Harper says, moving her ponytail off of her shoulder.

Caroline shakes her head. "Not anymore."

"Good, good. I was just here to drop off some cookies for Rose, thougt she would need them for her big day tomorrow."

"Are you gonna be there?" Caroline asks.

"Of course, I'll make sure everything goes right." Harper replies.

"And to see is he needs his ass best?"

"Oh, that's the main reason." She looks at me and winks, making me blush a little. "I gotta get going, pretty. I got plans with friends."

"Oh yeah of course, have fun." She looks over a Caroline. "May I?"

"I'm not looking." She says and puts her hands over her eyes, of course making a little slit so she can see us.

"See you soon, pretty." Harper grabs my jaw, bends down, and gives me a quick kiss. "Later, Caroline."

"Yup, later." She says and I shut the door. "What a woman! I like her even more than Lucas and his 2 different personalities combined!"

"Two different personalities?"

"Ya know, the loyal and the cheater." I roll my eyes, even though it was kinda funny. "What kinda cookies did she make?"

"Looks like sugar cookies."

"What a woman."

"Listen, honey. Tonight you get some rest before tomorrow. It'll be just fine and I promise you that."

"Thanks mom, I sure hope so."

"It will be, and if anything happens you know that we're always close by." She looks down. "Well, Dad is." My dad has been driving her to work everyday and picking her up. Her stomach had gotten so bad to the point she can't drive and if she does, she needs someone else in the car. It breaks my heart for her that the doctors still don't know what's causing these pains.

I nod and hold her hand. "It's gonna be okay mom, we'll figure this all out soon."

She smiles at me before shifting her sight onto the plate of cookies. "Who brought those over?"

"Oh, Harper did." I say, trying to sound nonchalant about it.

"You're friend, Harper?" She questions and I just stare at the cookies.

"Yeah, my friend."

I lay in bed, anticipating the day ahead.

From Harper: how were the cookies? i made them with love

To Harper: yeah i tasted the love for sure

From Harper: keep me updated throughout the day tomorrow, i want to make sure ur good

To Harper: i will, thank u and i'll see you tomorrow

From Harper: oh i cant wait to see you all hot and bothered ;)))

To Harper: goodnight Harper.

From Harper: goodnight love ;) <33

How can something feel to right but so wrong.

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