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Your fingertips regained sense. Your skin felt suffocating. a green bar slowly filled up in your blurry vision with the words "Loading". your hand felt anchored— too heavy to lift. you were paralyzed. until you heard a gentle voice call out to you.

"Testing... K9, activate."

you felt a shock glide up your body and you were able to move once again, the view regained color and the shapes blended together to show who stood in front of you. her bouncy and short blonde hair framed her round face perfectly. she adjusted her glasses as she looked at you in pride.

you took your first step forward, your legs feeling strong enough to kick a ribcage in. that seemed to satisfy the woman, she put her hands on her hips and nodded. "Good! that's good... uh..."

she clenched and unclenched her fists while she tried to remember where her words were taking her. "okay, K9, taser!"

your hand was in your field of vision now. hand would be incorrect. more like a paw. the tips of your claws unleashed an electric spark and the woman squealed with excitement.

"You work! you're beautiful, you're amazing!" she grabbed a clipboard on the steel table next to her. "pop quiz! what do you say to a concerned parent with a missing child?"

your voice felt unnatural to you, but it forced its way out. "Fazbear entertainment isn't liable for any injury or death, or missing persons case. we will have the proper authority take over this case."

she gave you a thumbs up and smiled. "and now... Scan me."

lights blinded her face as you scanned her, her full name popping up in the corner of your eyes. "Hello, Heather."

"Hello! Hello to you too!" she said in disbelief. "do you know where you are?"

the information took a bit to load in. "Parts and service, underneath rockstar row."

she nodded. "correct. can you spot your room?"

your ears twitched and your head snapped to the left as you scanned the area thoroughly, spotting an arrow pointing to where you need to go at the bottom of your vision. you go a couple of steps up the metal stairs and see a row of elevators, each with the symbol of characters unfamiliar to you. and the last one is yours.

you hear the click clack of heathers heels behind you and then a hand on your forearm. "Good job. now, you're on your own. you have a task list to finish. once the testing phase is over i'll alert you."

you looked away and made a beeline for your elevator, stepping in and waiting for the door to seal shut automatically behind you as you flicked your tail to get used to moving each body part. the quiet humming of your gear played as the music from the speakers drowned the compact space.

the doors slid open and you took your first look at your forever home. a poster of a more cartoony version of you holding a flashlight and leading a group of cowardly staff bots down a scary hallway amused you. and then another with you tipping your security hat at a group of children. you looked at the ceiling decorated with lights in the shapes of stars and lighting bolts. and then a star shaped mirror framed on the wall with an abundance of brushes and colors to refresh the designs on you placed neatly on the table.

you opened the cabinets and found a security badge level 10, then clipped it to your shirt. and then you found a small chest at the back. one which held a gun. you raised an eyebrow then placed it back in its spot. this should be useful at some point.

you then picked up your security hat from the hanger and stared out the glass window that put you on display for the patrons.

you reviewed your task list. and decided to start on guarding the main atrium. you then adjusted your hat and followed the directions of your built in map.

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