Eighteen -Part 1-

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"Jeremy—Huh?" You blinked in surprise, Monty, Gregory, and Moon all stood behind you.

You refused to move, her only reason to keep going stood before you, "Bonnie!" He responded with a tight smile, "But...how?!" You exclaimed in shock. He shrugged, the same confusion you're in, and he held out a hand.

You took it, "You must be [Y/n]? Jeremy told me about you," Your gaze left Bonnie for a moment to look at Jeremy, and he gave you a confident smirk, "I hope I'm not late?"

"You need to leave—Moon!" You regained your focus and turned to Moon, "The doors are closed, I'll be in the middle, you keep watching, if you see anything, notify me immediately."

"It's time, Monty you hide behind the food counter, Jeremy, Bonnie, you...don't let anyone see you." You said before leaving, going downstairs and taking in the open room.

Jeremy felt disappointed to be left out of the plan, but he had to remind himself it was not a game, he went in the elevator, and Bonnie followed, "Sorry Bon, we can't help, we just need to keep watch outside."


Monty watched as you strolled, you stretched out your arms, "I'm here! Show yourself." Immediately, you were hit with a headache, it spoke to you, though it was almost gibberish, with a few coherent words thrown in, "How unfortunate." Was the only thing you could understand, the glitch soon left, leaving you pressing against your ears and releasing them as soon as the noise stopped.

Monty wanted to intrude, but he knew it'll ruin everything.

The power shut down, and with a loud click the lights turned off one by one, leaving you in a dim light, Gregory panicked and looked at his watch as he hid behind Monty, "Freddy? Freddy, are you there?!" He whispered, garbled voices were all he heard.

Freddy on the other hand was having his own panicked disarray, Roxy was hitting her fist against the metal table in frustration, "No! How?!" She yelled.

"Stay calm," He said, "it's not over yet, look." He pointed at you through the window that stared down at everything, it was dim, but still, you could be seen.

You stood still, hoping for some kind of response, and soon you got it, she stood before you, her plastic eyes burning through you, "Vanessa, I know you're in there." You said and she tilts her head. For a second she seemed surprised.

The white bunny pointed the tip of her knife at you, "disassemble [Y/n]," She said, "I'm sorry, but you're in the way." Was the last thing you could hear over the sound of whirring, Staff bots?

A pair of matching red stood behind her, she ran and left you in the middle of it all, you can only hope Moon is after her. Monty stepped in, breaking a bot in half to reach you, "Maybe it's time you use that taser of yours." He yelled over the piercing noise.

You clutched the head of a bot and soon it turned to scrap metal, you made sure to stay away from Monty, the taser could harm him, it's strange, you never thought you would fight alongside him.

Bonnie shook Jeremy, startling him, "Wh—What?!" He yelled.

"It's her, it's her, Jeremy, it's her!" He pointed at the white bunny that ran past them, "We gotta go after her."

"Hey!" Chica said behind him, she pressed a button next to her eye, "[Y/n]! The white bunny thing—Moon is after her but—"

"Chica! Tell them we're going after her, C'mon buddy we gotta cut her off." He chased her while Bonnie took a second to understand what he was planning.

"Over here!" He took a sharp turn and ran to the stage, pressing a button, the stage went down, and the bunny glared at him from afar, "You're not going anywhere." He yelled.

Moon was finally behind her, She looked around for an exit, and she ran to where she came from, Jeremy chased her down, "Vanessa!" That seemed to stop her, he grabbed her wrist and the last thing he heard was Bonnie yelling, "She has a knife!"

A sharp burning pain went through the side of his chest, but he still held onto her, Bonnie finally caught up, grabbing her and pulling her away from him, he struggled until he pulled her mask off, and she suddenly stopped moving, Bonnie could almost feel her soul leaving, and by that he means that her body became heavier.

He dropped her, knowing she was not going anywhere, "Jeremy?!"

"I'm fine! It's just a scratch." He said through an intense grunt, "I'll be fine." He echoed, more calmly.

He grabbed Jeremy's arm and swung it over his shoulder, helping him stand up, "First aid, it's somewhere around here, [Y/n], I hope they figure it
out from there."

Moon stood next to the lifeless body of Vanessa, if the glitch no longer has use for her...where does it go...?



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