Twenty five

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Silence ensued as the rusty elevator made many concerning sounds. You couldn't help but stare at Jeremy who seemed pale and struggling to stand without gripping his chest. The knife couldn't have gone that deep since he somehow survived it. But still, it's an injury.

"I'm fine..." He whispered when he noticed you staring. "Hey, one day we'll laugh about it," He added.

"Yeah, if we survive that is," Gregory grumbled.

"...How do you do it?" Bonnie asked abruptly.

"Do what?" You turned to face him.

"How do you risk your life without fear?" He asked again. "Why does it always seem like you are willing to risk everything?"

You couldn't make eye contact and went back to staring at the floor. You gathered you're strength to answer. "It's what I was made for, my friends are in danger. I don't matter, as long as I have fulfilled my job I will feel complete." Your voice began to shake. "But I'll never get to feel that, Heather is gone, I was never there. I failed and the only reason I'm here is to finish this."

You sucked in a breath. "Don't save me, if you ever get the chance to run for your life, do it," You said. "If I lose you too, it'll only make it clear that I'm useless."

Destroy the source.

The silence seemed louder.

The atmosphere was tense until you felt someone pull you closer into an embrace. "This feeling seems sometimes as if it'll never end. It gets worse no matter what you do, as though you're drowning in it, Heather might be gone but she knew how much you cared and risked, you saved me and brought me to her, you showed me that it's never too late, you matter, nobody is useless. I'm so glad you're here and I'll stand by you as the world caves in if I have to." Bonnie said.

You could feel yourself physically shake as you let him hug you. Thank you. You wanted to say. I'm sorry for what happens next. You wanted to yell. I'm sorry for everything. Would they forgive you? I have too. What if I regret it? What if they blame themselves? What if it changes nothing?

"...Hate to ruin the moment... But we're here," Gregory announced as Jeremy got out with his flashlight first to take in the scenery.

You turned on your flashlight with your gun ready to aim. And the light only exposed an image you'll never forget.

The tunnel made of rubble, trash, and metal rods sticking out like thorns in the wreckage taunted you. The new world before you seemed to stretch into an eternal abyss, twisting to look like a never-ending nightmare.

The group awaited your orders and you walked ahead of them, they followed without question as they eyed the strange tunnel.


A neon sign plastered on a wall dimly lit the area. The sign felt like it could fall and doom it to be forgotten. "...What?" You whispered in awe.

"Old location..." Jeremy said. "I read about it, this was an old location that burnt down."

"Whoever burnt the place doesn't know how to do it right," Gregory said as he approached the cracked glass doors. "Unless they were aiming to destroy the inside only," He muttered as he pressed his forehead against the glass to look.

"Freddy Fazbears Pizza! Where fantasy and fun come to life!" Jeremy exclaimed as he shined his flashlight on the glass doors. "Somebody should really rethink that slogan! I feel like a dead body was hidden in there..."

"More like where nightmares and horrors come to life," Gregory added.

" 'Freddy Fazbears Pizza holds absolutely no guarantee regarding your child's safety,' " You recited. "That alone should tell you what this company is all about."

You stood behind Jeremy and Gregory to see what they were talking about. Asking them to step aside. You forced the door open, and then strolled in and stood in the middle of it all.

This place felt as though it used to be alive and thriving, and the life within it was ripped away and left with nothing but haunting memories. What were they destroying? Evidence or tragedy? A mix of both if you will.

"Hope you don't think I'm weird, but it's strangely beautiful," Bonnie said as he nonchalantly stood next to you.

"I feel like I belong here," You said as you kneeled to touch the ground. "If that makes sense..."

"FUCK!" You heard Jeremy screech and immediately whirled toward the sound.

He fell into some sort of hole in the ground, it seemed as though there were makeshift stairs leading down and Jeremy somehow missed a step, he was laying on his side, defeated. "Tell my family that I died a hero," He said weakly.

The smell was getting suffocating, the trapped rotten and burnt aroma of the restaurant was slowly reminding you of how dangerous the area is. "Do we go down there...?" Gregory said.

You looked around one more time to make sure you didn't miss anything, and then turned to him, nodding toward the hole.

Jeremy pushed himself up with a muffled grunt behind his clenched teeth. Reaching for his flashlight that fell beside him and shone it down, it seemed to go on forever, it looked like a monster yawning at them with its wide mouth.

"Superstar...?" A very familiar voice called and you wasted no time jumping in and forcing the rest to follow you down into what you assume is H^ell.

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