Twenty seven

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A/n: any a hat in time fans out there? (Just checking :) )

You clawed at your arm like it wasn't part of you anymore. The glitch watched as you fought to regain control over yourself. Freddy was busy having another strange reaction while Bonnie was in his own world, searching for a plan and a way out. Jeremy was in pain, the fall took a toll on him.

The walls seemed to move. As though something was slouching in them, waiting for the right moment to crawl out. You noticed it, and so did the others.

Freddy regained control and glared at the corpse. "I know who you are!" He yelled over the sounds of crawling. "I know your name, William," he said in a calmer tone, and a look of recognition dawned on William, the rotten bunny specifically.

"FREDDY!" Gregory shrieked as he slowly backed away from what seemed to be a wire tentacle coming from a manhole. A manhole? There are multiple blending in with the floor...

You could only look behind you despite wanting to push him out of the way, luckily, Freddy ceased what he was doing and ran to Gregory. The tentacle went back to where it came from like it wasn't interested in any of them.

Another manhole burst open and it kept scouring. William seemed to understand the situation well, and stared at you before speaking unexpectedly, his voice hoarse. "Run," He said as he pressed a button next to the recharge station.

You looked at him in confusion and suspicion. "[Y/n]! He's right!" Freddy said then turned to Bonnie and Jeremy. "It's after them," He whispered to them.

A metal door swung open while blaring lights drowned the room in angry red. You felt yourself slowly regain the ability to move as you sluggishly walked toward it. "Why are you helping me?!" You turned to him one last time.

But, you didn't need an explanation after all. Without him answering everything became clear.

"Out there is an exit, it leads straight to the outside, Vanny made it when she had concerns about this place collapsing on us." As if on cue, dirt began to fall around you, nearly hitting Jeremy.

"Go, all of you."

"What about the others?! Chica, and Monty! Where are they?!" Roxy should still be trapped...

"You'll see them, go."

A shock of real human pain went through you and firmly stared at him before doing as he said.

Bonnie knew you don't trust William, but what other choice do they have? He carried Jeremy and signaled to Freddy to snap out of it and follow him. You ran down the makeshift hall, metal pipes exploding and almost hitting you. It seemed to be mostly made of rubble and trash, but you didn't have time to question it.

The lights made you nauseous, but the sound of the ground shaking made you focus. Gregory was struggling to keep up until Freddy picked him up like he was nothing.

There were multiple turns. It was confusing. It was a maze. Gregory was the first to point this out. "That's a dead end, I think we should... split up?" He said with dwindling confidence.

You shook your head. "Splitting up sounds like a bad idea... what if somebody gets hurt and none of us can reach them?"

"You definitely never watched a horror movie, Greg," Jeremy said between his weak breaths. "I'm fine, I'm fine..."

"Is that a dead end too?" Gregory pointed at another tunnel made of trash. It looked more dangerous and unstable.

You stepped forward, sensing movement. It could be your broken endoskeleton or maybe there truly is something. You heard loud footsteps, very familiar ones. "It's not..." Your ears twitched as they tried to listen. The red lights were still screaming in your face, making it harder to see.

"K9!" Freddy and Bonnie yelled. You turned around in time to see a pile of trash crash down. Splitting you from the group. "Can you hear me?!" Freddy banged his fist against the wall.

"I'm fine! I'll find another way!" You yelled in hopes of them hearing it. You flexed your hands and used your claws to slash it. It didn't work, the wall was too thick. You grunted in frustration as you tried again. "They're fine, they'll be fine..." You repeated to yourself.

"Give up!" You heard someone yell in the distance, "I know you're here..."

You ducked and hid under a sheet of metal protruding from the rubble. Slightly frightened from the sudden company. After what seemed like hours you got up and slowly booked it for the end of the hall that split into multiple turns. You sighed in disappointment but felt determined.

A shattered sign with a Monty symbol was left on the floor, snapped in half, and thrown away by someone clearly angry.

"There you are!"

Just in time, you moved before he could use his claws.

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