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A/n: 1k what the hesckud

Part of you believed that, the bitterness in her eyes, the constant violent shrieks through your ears, and how she drags you around to different places, needing you by her at all times like she's keeping a piercing eye on you, you shivered at the thought, the little boy waited for an answer, his hand in front of him in case you attack.

"Fine, go on, tell me why you're here," You knelt to his eye level, "I won't tell her about you" you assured him.

The little boy concentrated his eyes on the bear behind you before answering, "Well...I'm Gregory, and I..." The indecisiveness in his voice seeped from every word, "I live here"

You dropped your tense shoulders in an understanding way, you stayed calm, it made sense to you, no record, no family members, he has nowhere to go, "Thank you for being honest, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do, being here is against company policy and you could be arrested for trespassing"

"They can't arrest me! I'm a kid..." He casually leaned against the wall, and his demeanor changed.

"We can keep him hidden! I'm sure that you can be a great help! This poor kid doesn't have anywhere to go" Freddy got closer to the both of you.

"Fine, but what's this about Vanessa killing you?" You kept your ears low, your tail slightly off the ground keeping it away from the dirty floors.

"I saw her, she's the one who kidnapped the kids!" He raised his voice with every word, confidence in the way he talked.

"Gregory, are you sure? Vanessa...I mean she does have access to many high leveled doors..." You let your voice trail off as if you never wanted him to hear that.

"See? You already have enough to prove that! Who else would have such an easy time hiding the bodies? Somebody who works here and has access to cameras!" Gregory held onto what you said, trying to convince you.

"Listen, I'm not gonna point fingers just yet, I'll be monitoring her, if anything suspicious happens I will notify the high-level staff members" You stood up to your full height, and your shadow loomed over him.

"I'll be watching her too, don't worry Gregory, you'll be safe here," Freddy said

Gregory sighed and nodded, "I can't wait to say 'I told you so' " He sat cross-legged on the floor next to a few broken staff bots, and started messing with one of them.

"One more question, have you seen a white bunny?" You asked.

Recognition washed out any enthusiasm he had, and his hands trembled, "You can see her?" His voice hitched.

"Of course, I can. I saw her on the cameras in Monty golf..." You jolted your ears in confusion.

Freddy stepped between the two of you, "So she does exist"

"You think?! How in the hell did I get injured by air?!" Gregory spoke up, insulted.

"Well...I assumed it was an accident..." Freddy said, Gregory's mouth stayed wide open.

The lamps outside flickered, and a figure stood in front of the entrance, you looked up to the shadowy person, "Guys I really gotta go...are you finished?!" Jeremy yelled.

"Yeah we found it" You dismissed Gregory and walked upstairs, Freddy pats Gregory on the head before leaving, thinking he'll anger you if he takes any longer.

You could swear you saw something at the corner of your eyes for a split second, just enough that anybody would forget about it, but not you, Jeremy stood and looked at you while idly poking you, slightly gasping to himself, "So are you like...bulletproof?"

"Yes," You responded, after walking away to investigate something, Freddy was concerned at how fast you started to do that, not catching a break whatsoever, always trying your best to not leave a job unfinished.

"I swear I saw—" You murmured, Freddy peeked in the same direction, not seeing anything but a sanitary kitchen.

He decided not to disturb you, he knows you take anything seriously, he just hopes that one day you'll try to enjoy yourself, not that you're programmed to do that, constantly on the lookout and chasing anything that moves, that's what you do.

"So the rabbit lady does exist, but how come I can't see her," He said, internally praying you won't be mad at him for interrupting you.

"She must be using some kind of device to mess with your eyesight, my eyes are different than yours, yours can scan a single room at a time, mine can do a full building scan, which requires more power"


"Oh, I'm just assuming she's a woman," You said, trying to save yourself, "You must go back to your room, I'll continue my night shift" You added

His signature smile turned into a frown, not wanting to leave you out here alone, but he can't do anything about it, he left the kitchen to go recharge, leaving you with a tired Jeremy who was focusing on his phone, you never understood why they're so worried.

The same thing you saw earlier returned, your ears perked up and you scanned the area, Jeremy jumped from the sudden movement, "What? what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, ...probably nothing, I'll take this to Heather" You raised your hand which held the personality chip of the one and only bonnie.

A/n: we'll be seeing sun and moon sooner or later, I never forgot about them.

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