Twenty six

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Do you know that feeling when you make a decision and immediately regret it?

That explains this situation.

The moment your feet hit a flat surface you outstretched your arms to hold onto Gregory who was struggling to get down. He declines it with a scoff and you assumed he doesn't like being treated like a child.

You and the injured Jeremy turned on your flashlight in union, you were all too awestruck to comment as your eyes scanned the monstrosity before you. The air might smell like rotten meat and the area might be tight, but the thing in front of you stood out like a sore thump.

"Jeremy," Gregory whispered with a sharp breath. "Jeremy what is that."

"I don't know...! I only know about the fire and stuff..." He whispered back.

A giant amalgamation of wires and metal, an ugly and grotesque blob that simply seeing would make you think it's just an illusion. Since you're all short and probably weaker it's better to ignore it and not provoke it. all of you slowly realized it was breathing. Its wires go up and down as though its chest is rising with every breath. It's alive.

"[Y/n], who was that...?" Gregory said as he slowly stood behind you for shelter. "Up there I heard someone."

"Freddy," You answered. "That was Freddy, it got him too..."

"We're not dying down here are we...?" Jeremy muttered softly. "Do we go back?"

"The elevator is broken. We can't, we are in too deep, if the clone took them down here there must be a reason, a source..." Bonnie stood in front of the group and kneeled. "Beneath us." he dug his broken arm into the floor and you watched as the sheet metal caved in.

"Bonnie," panic set in as the rest tried stepping back. "Bonnie what are you DOING—" Was the last thing Gregory yelled before the floor collapsed.

Without thinking you hugged Gregory close which he gladly accepted. Bonnie stood up as the world around him shattered and he grabbed Jeremy's wrist and ran to you. "IT WILL BE FINE," He yelled over the noise. "trust me. STAY CLOSE."

For a second you were in the air, motionless as Gregory hid his face in your chest. It felt like a never-ending reverie, a silent dream. The world felt safe for a moment, but only for a moment, and you wish it stayed that way forever. You couldn't hear the panicked screams from Jeremy, nor the crashing when you hit the floor, the impact surely damaging your endoskeleton.

You swore you felt real pain just now, is that how normal humans feel? Must be hard.

You lulled your head to the side to see Bonnie kneeling and scanning you with his eyes. "You're damaged."

"Where are we...?" You heard Gregory say as he got off your chest to catch his breath.

You saw someone land behind Bonnie with a loud bang.

"Freddy?" You muttered, and Bonnie's expression darkened.

He turned his head in a swift movement and watched as the bear looked at us in worry. "So you're all here too..." He said with disappointment seeping from his words.

"Stay back," Bonnie said. He stood up and outstretched his arms to protect you.

"I won't hurt you!" He stuttered. "I don't feel controlled anymore, I don't know what you did but it's weaker."

You felt weak.

Bonnie's eyes flicked to you for a second before giving up and letting his arms drop in defeat. "What happened after you followed the clone?"

"Well they asked me about a sinkhole and then they told me that we needed to go there. the moment my hand touched the knob I blacked out."

"That's not really helpful..." Jeremy wheezed. "Sorry, I'm kinda struggling..."

You pushed yourself up and recognized nothing, the room was blank, there was a recharge station next to the steaming pipes, the air was dense, and no exit could be seen. The only light source was a single lightbulb flickering slightly. But it was enough to turn off your flashlight.

"That recharge station shouldn't be down here..." you mumbled.

Freddy cried out as he fell to his knees, you ran to him with no hesitation and he regained his composure almost immediately. "That happens often..."

"What?!" You yelled. "What do you mean happens often?!"

"Look, I'm sorry," He said with a weak voice, "I didn't want to worry you, ever since Vanny was caught I kept having this weird reaction to you, I was able to hide it at first but... I believe I have gotten weaker."

"Is it trying to take over again?!" Gregory tried getting closer to Freddy before Jeremy put a hand on his shoulder.

"No, it wants to get rid of us."

"[Y/n], you really are helpful," That infuriating voice came back. But this time they all heard it.

"Wha—" Gregory hit Jeremy before he could talk.

"Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" You snarled.

"For giving me a new vessel, a new body," the voice got louder. The recharge station behind it opened like a hatching egg. "The reason I need you is that... This rotten corpse of mine wouldn't suffice."

A rotting animatronic crawled out of the station as it stood next to the glitching rabbit. "I needed a new body, a stronger one... And isn't it just a happy coincidence that Heather was working on a new animatronic?" He added with a burst of echoing laughter.

"All I needed to do was trick Heather into putting a small part of me in your endoskeleton!" It exclaimed triumphantly. "It was so easy too! Just tell Vanessa to swap out one of your parts with mine! And it needed a little push to activate, so I only had to shut you down so she can do a little 'fixing'"

"No..." You grabbed your twitching forearm.

"Poor Vanessa, she tried to stop it..."

"NO!" You fell to your knees.

"She wasn't strong enough... How unfortunate, does that make you a ...Murderer?"

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