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Day Off

Zee and Nu have their free day.. Zee invited Nu to have a dinner date at 6pm

Zee and Nu Arrived at the restaurant.
They were peacefully eating and having conversation as they usually do.
They were laughing together... you could see that they missed each other so much.

He came to have a dinner with some of his friends..
He saw NuNew (Zee is at the washroom at that moment).

Nong New... your also here..

Awwww Matt...

I came with some friends over there... (pointing to the other side table)

And how about you? Who are you with?

saw NuNew talking to someone...
when he get closer, he saw Matthew..

And what is he doing here? (jealous feeling) he heard Matthew: Who are you with?

He answered from the back of Matthew HE IS WITH ME...

Ohhhh... I see.. Hi P'Zee it's nice to meet you at last..
He offered his hand for a handshake.

Look at Matthew's hand..
They exchange a handshake. Nice to meet you too Matthew.

Have a nice dinner then...
He hug Nu before walking away from them.

Stunned when Matthew Hug him... but he smile to Matt.
He looked at Zee. He tapped Matthew on the shoulder.

So this is how you usually greet each other...
You two are closed already no?
Here it is again... that feeling that he doesn't want to feel.. especially when he is infront of NuNew.

he really lost his mood with that Matthew...

I was also shocked when he did that..but ya.. we are already getting closer bc we are working together.. what's wrong with that? he is confused..

Are we done here?
Let's go. I'll take you home.

But I ordered some dissert...
Why are you in a hurry? we haven't even been here for 2 hrs

he starting to get annoyed at his Hia

Rolled his eyes..
I don't want to be here if that man is also here.. said to his self.

Ok.. let's finish this so we can go..

let's go then.... annoyed to Zee
Nu ask the waiter to cancel his order..

but before he get stood..

Matthew walked toward them..

Ahhh.. P'Zee, can I borrow Nong NuNew for awhile? I just want to introduce him to my friends? Well, if that's ok with you, Nong New?

Look at Zee..
Even though he knew that Zee was already not in the mood

Matthew held NuNew's hand to stand up.. Zee is pissed off.. he is just holding his feelings..
he is also annoyed with Nu.. why he like that to everybody?
he feels that Matthew showed him that he likes NuNew..

he closed his fist.. wanted to punch someone..

Leaving the restaurant, they are not talking...

NuNew suddenly thought, "This has happened before...
At the time that Hia picked him up at the workshop...

he looked at Zee. What was happening to his man? is he...hmmmm no... that's not possible why? There's nothing between him and Matthew.. is that what Hia thinks?

should I ask him?

NuNew's House

Zee pulled the car door for Nu.. with a straight face.

Hia.. is there something wrong?

No.. I'm fine..

You are not fine Hia..
I knew it.. there is something wrong with you.. or is it with me?

There's nothing wrong with you ok na.. don't say that.
Holds NuNew's hand..

Are we going to separate tonight without talking about it?

Breathe deeply...
don't want Nu to be worried

Don't worry na... Ok.. nothing is wrong.

Hia.. I feel that there is something you didn't tell me...
What is it really? I'm starting to get worried about you..

We don't have plenty of time to see each other right.. then? we always end up like this... I feel confused Hia...

He was looking straight at Zee's eyes..

Don't worry too much na.. hmmm.. Hia is alright.
See you again soon Nu.. you take care always na..

Ok Hia as you said.. You take care too, hmm...
I will miss you again...

Hmmm come here.. let me hug you more..
I will miss you too...


WHEN ZEE GOT JEALOUSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora