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Zee's Back to Bangkok

He feels strange... he is scared.
He is scared to face NuNew. He doesn't know what he will say when he sees him..

Before going back, he was determined to talk to Nu and tell him everything, but now that he is here .. he is scared....

What if NuNews don't understand..?

"God, please help me," he said to himself. 

At DMD Office...

Zee got off the car... went inside, the staff saw him...
Awwww Zeee!! We missed you... how are you? Are you going back now?

I will talk to P'Aof first... is he there? Yes, Nong, but...He just opened the door to P'Aof office.. saw P' Aof at the desk talking to... NuNew

he froze... he didn't expect to see NuNew at the office.

P 'Aof is shocked...

But NuNew... he saw him stunned, but in a split second he was back on his straight face. Zee don't know what to do first.. he is speechless.

P'Aof walks closer to him... and hugs him..

how are you son?
Zee couldn't talk at the moment.. then they heard a knock on the door. .It was Gi... 

Ahhh Nong New....then he saw Zee...
P' Zee!!!!... and hug him..

He hugs Gi... and says hello

He turned and looked at Nu again.. but Nu was busy on his cellphone

Ahhhhh let's talk some other time.... I missed you, P'Zee.

Ahhh Nong Nu... look at Zee and P'Aof before saying...
Matthew is already here... he is waiting for you at the car. bent his head.. don't want to look at Zee..

Stand up and walk casually...
I'm leaving first P'Aof.. just send me some of the documents I need to sign P.. Thank you.

he is going to pass by Zee before getting to the door...

Zee caught his hand... 

Nu... with a small voice...

He didn't even want to look at him... but he looked at him...and slowly pulled his hands and left the room without saying a word.

Nu closed the door and walked away... but his knees felt weak. He leaned against the wall
Gi saw him and helped him to stand properly.

He looked at Gi... P' it's him right? while crying..

Yes Nong it's P'Zee.... crying also

P' Don't tell anyone about me.. like this. can you?
I (caught and crying)

I understand Nong... you don't have to explain. I already know... He hugged NuNew and tapped him on the back.
It's okay, Nong.. everything will be fine.
You need to be strong na....I'm just here if you want to talk to someone.. hmmm..

Thank you very much P'... don't tell this to Matt also.


NuNew fixes himself before going to the car with Matthew. They have work to do.

At the other side

Zee can't move in where he stand... Is that his Nu?
He saw NuNew as early as he didn't expect..
Also the earliest he heard the name of the man that don't want to hear.. the reason why he is like this
the reason why he and Nu is in this situation... the name of that Matthew..

Why is he here and picking up NuNew..

Is that NuNew he saw awhile ago? He turned to get NuNew, but P' Aof pulled him back..

he wanted to hug him tightly.. he wanted to kiss him.. he missed NuNew so much.. but... he is ignored by the younger.

he would accept if he got angry and yelled at him... but he just ignored him and left.

P' Aof:
Not now Son... please not now..
give Nong Nu time...

P'Aof... crying face

Why.... P'? I know... is it my Nu?
why that Matthew is picking him up?

help him to sit down.. give him water.. rub Zee's back to make him calm.

after a moment...

Nong and Matt have work today.

Son... give Nong time. Don't force him to talk to you this early after you get back...

I understand P' i just can't believe...

P' Aof:
You made Nong like this.... son
You don't even know what he's been through since the time you left him... he is not like the old Nong New that we loved before...
He is not the same Nong that's always smiling and make us laugh...
Not your Nong Nu 'that is naughty and sweet...
All the smiles on his face faded the day he said he was tired of looking for you.

P'Aof is crying while saying this to Zee.

But we can't do something for him... even his Jelly Nat always cried to me bc he misses his Jelly.
He always invited by Maxx and Nat to go somewhere just to make him smile... he does smile... he goes with them but, you know him as a funny person.. but he is more quiet now not like before..

And... I don't know if I am the right person to say this... or should I tell you?

Look at P'Aof seriously...

The reason why Nong is here this morning..
He is telling me that... (clearing throat)
After the series... he don't want to sign another contract with us. (sad face)

He said that he will going to push his schooling...


in China

how about that guys... leave me a comment pleaseeee
what do you think will happen next?
Thank you very much...! 


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