2. To Survive on Earth

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(Greyson's POV)

I found myself lying on wet sand, the first time I landed on Earth. I can't move my body as if I died several years ago. The waves of the sea waters woke me up. I'm too young to be alone, yet I was sent here in an unknown place and didn't even know anything except the word 'Earth'.

I never saw an ocean before. Back in our planet, at least, I remember somehow, my grandparents never allowed us to go to seashores. He said it was too dangerous.

I brought the wooden Chest with me. I didn't know it was heavier than I thought, so I carried it under my arm. Loric carvings spread across the wooden surface, makes me remember the two moons back in Lorien.

I was in seashore in Australia, a small country, they call it. I don't know where I am going. All I think about is how do I find Fourteen, my twin brother. There were few people inhabiting this place. I even saw few small houses at the front where tall buildings are towering. Children are playing outside their houses, they we're lucky their planet was safe.

I travel in many places after moving out from the seashore. I lived in many places that time. I even slept in dump sites, in a street and everywhere. Whenever I knock on doors, they're just going to slam their door on my face. Humans might call the term nomad or a person who moves onto other places every time.

I'm a nomad, I reminded myself.

Slowly, my mind fills up with some memories I didn't even own when I was in Lorien. Things like a reminder showing that our planet was destroyed minutes after our capsules flee. That there are vicious aliens called Mogadorians who made a war against the Lorics. At first, I never believe those stories, which always shows up when I'm asleep during my dream, or sometimes just comes into my mind like it was my lost memory.

The memories also told us about the chosen Garde, about their charm, and about the hunting. It even shows me a ferocious Mogadorian leader named Setrakus Ra full of scars across his face. As soon as I grew up, the memories stopped popping out inside my head maybe because I already know everything.

The thing is, the five of us are lucky Mogadorians don't know we're here, that we even exist. But we don't have a charm. When Mogs find us, we're dead. Especially, now that I heard that Setrakrus Ra is here.

The Ten Elders of Lorien didn't put us the charm. We're just kidnapped and sent directly here. That means we don't resemble any of the Elders.

However, before I was sent, the guy who warned me said that we must unite. That means, the five of us are sent here for a reason. The Elders might know about this. It's all planned.

Mogadorians are vicious aliens. They don't show mercy. That's why the Lorics are risking their lives to save the planet just because of the expansion thing. Lorien is a rich planet that's why the Mogs plan to destroy it and steal all the precious gems.

Now they're here on Earth to follow the ten Garde and ready to invade the planet as well.

That's why we're here. To help the ten Garde maybe.

I remembered back in Georgina, the first town I lived in Australia, I was blamed for stealing a soft drink in the store in a gasoline station. I was so scared to go to jail. When the cops arrived, I didn't know what to do.

I raised my hand and close my eyes, yelling, "Stop!"

Because of my panic, I sent the two cops, the car, the doughnuts, and a cat floating twenty-feet high above from the ground.

That's how I got my first Legacy- gravity manipulation. Somehow, I can decrease the energy and force field, etc..., so I can make stuffs float or fall at will. That's how a thought came inside my head. Legacies develop when you're in danger.

I don't know if Three is already dead, or Four, or Six. Like I said, we didn't have charms to know if the others are dead; the ten have.

While the Mogs still don't know about the five of us, I plan to find Fourteen first. I don't know where he is, but I need to see him. And, dang! I don't know where to start. I didn't even know if he already developed his Legacies.

There were lots of stories worldwide I found on a website that can be somewhat lead to the other Garde. I check the site everyday so that I'll find out about the others as soon as possible and leave this place.

One time, I check on my laptop and surf at the site. The stories repeats and I don't think there's new there. But there is a news that's always at the top of the page. It was about a boy named Alejandro Castro in Brazil, same age as mine, who saved a girl at a total speed from falling debris. There were no pictures found, only the saved girl. At the gallery tab it shows FOURTEEN ITEMS, CLICK TO VIEW, but when I click it, all the photos are a blur. Some are corrupted, shows more about the girl, the building and a giant Christ's statue at the mountain. I even counted the items, it was only ten.

I searched about a statue of Christ at the top of the mountain and found out it was Brazil. That's the place I have to go. I know the guy at the news is a Garde. No human can even run so fast, except if it was Flash, I guess.

There were too many of us to figure out it was Fourteen, but I need to depend on possibilities this time. I have to find the others and I have to find my brother. I remember back at Lorien the night before we escape about what Fourteen told me.

"What if Grandpa finds out?" he said.

"I'll promise we'll get back," I replied as I pull a rope for us to go down from the window.

"What if we'll get into danger then?"

"Hey, I promise to save you..."

Right now is the right time to save my little brother. I don't want him to get into danger and if the Mogs find him, I don't know what'll happen. I have to find him immediately.

Brazil is too far from Australia. All I got is gravity manipulation. I can't fly across the world using the gravity to let me fly over there. It'll consume my powers and make me weak. There might be Mogs waiting for me there, and then there will be no energy left for me to fight. I don't even know if I can fly. I hate having fewer Legacies. I wish I could develop more as soon as possible.

Today, I live in an abandoned house in Alice Springs in the Northern territory of Australia. The place is more on, like a desert town. I love the place. I never even remember how I end up at this place.

Sometimes when I look down at a map, I realize Australia is a large country. Very. My capsule lands at the western part in the seashore in Dampier. That's so far from here, but anyway, I guess my journey back when I was a kid until I grew up being a nomad, I end up here in a cozy place.

After years of staying there, I trained myself without a Cepan. Yes, I did hear about them; it's one of the memories that came inside my head. I wish I had one like the other chosen Garde so I'll learn more than just training. I changed my name into Greyson, named after the first name I saw in a billboard somewhere in the city. No matter, but the thing is, Greyson was the name I use when a human asks about my name.

Alice Springs is my hometown now. I never get the normal life like the other kids, but I do this to survive. I have friends to save and find. That makes me more helpful now. I never want to leave the city, actually. There's no place I ever felt so safe since leaving Lorien. But I have to do my responsibilities.

I am Number Thirteen.

I am ready.

The Voyage of Thirteen (A Lorien Legacies Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin