20. The Rescue

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(Fifteen's POV)

"They got my Chest, Greyson!" I panicked.

"It's okay, they cannot open it anyway," Greyson says. "I'm sure it's going to be fine. Right, Rex?"

Greyson nudge Rex's ribs and Rex yapped. "Yeah," he says. I saw what Greyson did, but I pretend I didn't know. I even head Rex whispering to Greyson 'You don't have to do that...'

"Besides, I've been in other Mog bases where the Chests are kept," Rex says. "They might send your Chest at the base in New Mexico."

"Might?" I ask. "But all my items are inside..." I took the small white rod in my pocket and the green stones. "Except for these two."

Greyson pats my back. "It's going to be fine; we're going to find it."

I nod as Rex went back to the quarter deck, Greyson applying his telekinesis at the ship so our trip would get faster. I'm thinking now about Eleven. Is she even alright in there? Does the Mogs already torture her? Of course she's not fine.

Jian turns into his piken form and went downstairs at the inner part of the ship. Probably going to sleep. I realize I was feeling sleepy already. Greyson takes the first watch, while Rex and I are going to sleep. I lay at the deck because I like it here. Rex stays inside of the captain's cabin. He says he's more comfortable when he's in bed.

When I wake up, I found Greyson at the far corner of the ship. His head was rested at the barrel beside him. I stand up, and that's when I found another island nearby. I wake Greyson and Rex to ask if that's Bohol already. They confirm that it is.

"We have to prepare now, I'm sure there'll be thousands of Mog waiting for us in there," Greyson says. "Who's ready to kick some asses?"

I half raise my hand. Greyson lets a smile creeps across his face. "That's good, Fifteen. You're getting tougher. Good luck killing them all alone," he jokes. But I'm happy his sense of humor was back after our fight yesterday.

"What? I thought you're going too?" I ask.

"Of course I am. I'm just kidding," he laughs.

Rex went nearer to Greyson and me to tell something. "The base is underground. There's no much caves in here so I'm sure it's below."

"Yeah, I believe that," Greyson says.

"So how do we find it?" I ask.

Rex raises his eyebrow and touches his beard again. "Usually it's located far from crowded places. I mean no much people around. They're witness-conscious, I guess. They don't want to be seen,"

Well, that's stupid. They wanted to invade the planet, but they don't want to be seen? Ridiculous. And how are we going to find the base if most of Bohol is deserted. I mean, the place was more on hills and forests.

"Does the radio tell anything about the base here?" I ask Rex.

"No," he says. "But let me lead, it's easier for me to find bases. When I was working with them before, they tell us all the bases around the world so that it's easier for us to find each other, in case a scout or a soldier found a Garde. In this case, it'll be harder because Philippine is an island, I don't focus much on islands before."

"So where do we have to search first?" Greyson asks.

Rex raises an eyebrow again, as if to mean if that was a question or not. "Near the hills, of course."

We talk about Eleven and her Cepan. About how it's easier for us to find her. Rex shares us his tactics for escaping the Mog bases. Almost all bases they build are the same that's why Rex tells us how to get out. He even let us know what areas are guarded and not.

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