3. Giving a Disease

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(Fifteen's POV)

I'm the unluckiest Garde either on Earth or Lorien.

After a year of wandering in the city of New York, I was sent directly to a house. The humans call it the 'orphanage' where lost kids are being taken care of. The nuns are the one who acts as parents. They are the one who feeds us and gives us comfortable home. They kept saying we are one family, but some nuns are very strict that they hit us if we disobey them. Sister Agnes is one of them.

(If you heard another story just like this, it was a whole other story.)

Sister Agnes is an old nun who beats naughty kids who disobey her. Many of the other kids never survive on her. I heard in the history of this place that there are kids who attempted suicide just to escape from Sister Agnes' wrath. One story says that she gave up her lover when she was young and decided to be a nun. After then, she treats everyone else as her enemy. Our tip in here is: Never look into her eyes. Well, that's just like wishing yourself to get killed if you did.

Sister Agnes has also had her favoritism in here. She liked bad girls who bully smaller girls like me. I remember one time when I was playing with my toy and Ellen suddenly popped out somewhere and grab my toy. When I snatch it back, she cried and told Sister Agnes everything. The old nun scolded me for not sharing my toys, but she never scolded Ellen for grabbing my toy without my permission.

Those things happen the same way to other kids who are being bullied by Ellen. She's the biggest and the oldest girl in here that's why everyone doesn't want to mess with her, except me.

I will barely survive the orphanage being a prisoner here, but I can survive Ellen's insults. It was easy to fight her, especially if you have powers to help you with.

There are rules in the orphanage. Sister Agnes said that a child can only go outside and be free if: (1) she had parents and they wanted him or her back. (2) Someone wants to adopt him or her, and (3) She reached 18.

Next month I'm going to turn eighteen. But I can't wait to get out in here. There are a lot of kids who tried to escape the house, but no one ever succeeded. Now I want to try it myself. I want to put my name in history or something, which says, DELILAH, THE FIRST KID WHO ESCAPED THE HOUSE IN HISTORY.

I don't want to wait for next month. What if there will be no next month next month for me to escape next month? I have to get out of here as soon as possible.

This orphanage is a jail. They forbid us to do worldly stuffs. The nuns say that if we learn those things, our sins might develop fast. They say that as if developing sins were the same as developing legacies. Anyway, that was also the reason why I never heard about news, preventing me to find out about the other Garde.

Speaking of my name before, Delilah wasn't really my favorite. I mean, my name was different when I first came here on Earth. That was long ago so I forgot what it was. When I was sent here, my name changed because the nuns picked it for me.

I remember when the nuns asked what my name was; I told them it's Fifteen. They looked at each other like telling what kind of name is Fifteen. After that, that's how I got Delilah, the one-who-fits-best-for-you name.

"Delilah!" Sister Agnes suddenly call. "Don't you know the prayer is already starting? To the chapel, now!"

The orphanage always has a, sort of like prayer every Friday morning. It was all about repeating lines and other stuff. But I do go there, well, sort of. Actually, I never go there. I use my dummy Delilah, Weapon IX, made from my illusions so they actually think I attended.

Manipulating illusions is one of my Legacies I just developed. It works best at night, but anytime it'll do. Because of different atmosphere around us, I can create fake objects made from illusions, blocking the eyes of humans. What I think and form is what they see. But those fake objects are only for a matter of time. I don't know when but soon it'll consume and worn off.

I never tried creating stuffs before, except of course Delilah Weapon IX. It is because it is made of shadows. The danger was, if someone touches her, people will realize she was nothing at all. Just emptiness, like I never attended the mass. That was bad, but every time I do that, I always became careful.

This time, I attended the prayer. I don't want to get caught, anyway. It's just easy, praying and say what the leader says over and over again. After that, I get out of the chapel as fast as I can. That's when Ellen pulls out her leg on my way, knocking me off the ground. My face smacked on the floor.

"Going somewhere?" she asks. I know that every time she talks kindly, it meant the opposite. She wanted a fight. She doesn't like me when I first came here because she says I am different and she's going to find out what it is.

The nuns never sees us. Thanks for that, it'll be safer if they don't. Once they saw me and Ellen fighting, they're going to scold me and make me stand bare feet at a box of salt for picking a fight with Ellen even though it wasn't really my fault.

Once the nuns are all out of the chapel, kids started to circle around me and Ellen saying 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' and so on. This girl really wanted to mess with an alien, uh?

She clenches her fists and it cracks, ready for punching me. She smiles dangerously telling me it's my turn. I raise my fists in front of me, ball it but no sound came out. Instead, pain is all I felt. I hide my hands at my back so they won't notice.

She lunged at me with her right hand raised to hit my face. She swings her arms continuously while I dodge all her attacks. After minutes of fighting me but I never got hit anywhere, she stop. Probably tired. I swung my right arms then and hit her jaw. She collapsed, falling down hard at the cold tiles of the chapel. After a second, her body turns cold and her breath stop at a time.

Sister Agnes rushes inside the chapel and begin to talk. Kids start to go away but the nun closed the gates.

"Who's responsible for this?" She raises her eyebrow, showing her fierce eyes. Kids pulled out their index fingers and pointed at me. Sister Agnes stares at me in disgust.

"You, come with me."

After I came out of the office of the Superior, some kids started to avoid me. About Ellen, she was sent to a hospital in other town because the blow was so hard she would be dead any minute if they didn't bring her at the clinic early. Sister Agnes was otherwise became stricter, knowing that Ellen, her most favorite kid, will never go back in the orphanage again.

Some of the kids, maybe 1 out of 100 cheer me up. They are the kids who are bullied by Ellen. When I am alone, they were by my side and make me alive again. They were thankful for me because I sent Ellen out and she's not going back. But even them, they suspected me for something. They wonder how I put a disease on Ellen even though I'm not sick.

"What? I never heard about Ellen being sick after I hit her," I say.

"It's because the nuns forbid us to tell you about that," says Liza, one of the bullied.

"And we're you're friends so we're going to tell you," another one says cheerfully.

Sometimes I wonder, too, about the disease I gave Ellen was my Legacy. No matter, I forget about it. I don't want to think of it anymore. Killing is not my intention, anyway. I dislike her personality, but that doesn't mean I wanted her to get kicked out from here. I just wish I never did that, accepting Ellen's fight. Now I was grounded for a week. I can never wonder out again, unless I did my illusion things again.

My Legacy is getting stronger. Having that kind of legacy, a dark one, makes me look bad now. I do want justice for being mistreated, but I never want to do like what I did with Ellen. I'm going to save the killing for the Mogs. But I still have the plan popping out inside my head. I'm going to escape.

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