14. Revelation of Night

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(Greyson's POV)

I jump off the ship with all of my stuff so that I would look like a tourist. Except, my clothes look normal and too young to be travelling alone. Everyone looks at me, wondering where I came from. I decide to put Night down because she keeps on scratching my hands. She follows me behind, but I hope she won't get lost.

I walk into the shores until I reach the nearest road. I have to get to a hotel or a safe place. I hope Mogs aren't in this place. I ask a man who happens to walk passed through me.

"Uh, can I ask what this place is?" I say, still wondering if I'm in Madagascar or not.

"Cape Town, kid," he says in a different accent. As if English is not familiar with him. "Now move along, I'm busy."

I try to remember where Cape Town is. Am I in Brazil already? No, too early. It's just been a day. I ask another woman and say what country is this place. She would stare me, from toe to head, and then tells me that I'm in South Africa.

Really? How fast it was. I remember how far it is when I look at the map, still pinned in a table back in my ship, from Australia to here. Maybe because I spent all my energy speeding up the ship with my telekinesis. And that's why I get exhausted easily.

Well, the place doesn't look much the Africa like the one I always think it was. I thought I would never see buildings in here like this, I mean, African people wasn't supposed to be... never mind. It's just a different place to me is what I expect when I hear Africa. Maybe it's in the other countries.

I check in to a nearest hotel. My room wasn't all that big. It's just fine for me. Surprisingly, Night never lost her way. As soon as I put down all of my things, I saw Night entering my room just then.

"Where've you been, you pussycat?" I ask.

Night answers me with a small purr. Maybe she's hungry, so I gave her food.

I put out the Loric locator, and then press the buttons. To my surprise, the holographic replica of the Earth suddenly shows up. Yes! I told myself. It's working now.

The blue dots are all gone, even the two triangles. That doesn't mean they're dead right? I might've pressed something wrong, like the way it died down in one day. I don't think the device works well. I look at the red dots, and sure, I'm in South Africa. The others are still in their places, except for the red dot in New York, suddenly appear in Brazil. This time, there were two dots in Brazil, but they are far with each other. A Garde much be looking for Fourteen, like the way I'm doing right now.

The voyage is all for him. I even left Australia just for him. I'm so excited to meet him up soon. What should I do? Thank to the Garde in New York? I don't know. He hasn't found Fourteen yet, personally. Or if he is actually he.

I look at the window, to check if it's already night. Yes it is, because Night was sleeping right in the window, but all I can see is her green shining eyes.

The hologram is the only thing that gives light in the room. I haven't realized that it was already night. Was I staring at the globe for hours? Nah, I think I haven't noticed I came inside the hotel it was already night.

I heard my stomach churns in hunger. I was so tired of sucking the yellow cube. Instead, I linger from my seat and set off to buy some food in the lobby. I buy only pizza because I don't have much money. And I don't want to spend all just to fill my stomach for a night.

I didn't buy drinks; I'm just going to suck in the blue cube.

I opened my laptop and scan again. Searching for any signs of the Garde in Brazil. There's no related news, so I surf in a blog called TWAU. I think it was the famous blog for alien searching and stories, so I check it out.

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