7. Jumping into the Oblivion

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(Fifteen's POV)

I tip toe my way throughout the room so no one can hear me. My plan is to get my chest first which was hidden at the basement, and then I'll go rush outside and escape.

I remember when the nuns tried everything they can just to open my Chest. They seized it from me when they saw me carrying it when I was first sent here. Even so, they can't open the chest because only the owner can open it. And I never tried to open it since the nuns took it away from me, saying that the chest is an evil box making me obsessed with it.

Anyway, I used my illusions so that if someone wakes up, they'll see a cat walking towards the door. As I walk, I accidentally stepped a wooden train toy. Someone from the bed murmurs, but decided to sleep again. The toy stings my foot, which I broke actually.

Once I was outside, I removed the pussycat cover. Instead, I just used the illusion to cover the cameras' lens so they won't see me.

I run unto the lowest part of the house- the basement. It has three lock pads, but I manage to open it with my imaginary keys. When I opened the door, it was a dark, small room with lots of shelves. Webs decorated the room like it was still Halloween. My chest lay in the last shelf. It was once a clean wooden chest, now it turned into a filthy box because of not being touch for years.

When I touch it, I felt an energy rippling inside my body. I smile and put it inside my backpack.

I can't believe it was this easy to get my Chest. I never had done this before, breaking into a private room. I continue now to plan for the escape. Accidentally, I bumped into a shelf. It fell so loud I think I waked someone upstairs.

"Who's there?" says by a familiar voice, trying to sound friendly. That was Sister Agnes.

Panic starts to make the adrenaline pump my heart so fast. I can already hear the nun's steps becoming louder and louder. I search for the door that Liza tells me about. Every corner I check, but I saw nothing.

I don't want to be caught. I have my Chest now so all I need is to escape, or hide. No, I can't hide anymore. I don't want to do it and I have to find a new way. I'm tired of hiding. If the Mogs we're here, I want them to know that they should be the one hiding, not us. We're suppose to fight.

I think of something, I don't know, a door that leads outside the street? Why not? This is a crazy idea because I never used my illusions for traveling. My legacy is just for faking things. Anyway, I have to try for the best. Illusion is a branch of shadows, it's night time so my illusions will work best.

A door suddenly appears at the wall. Perfect. I open the door but all I can see was darkness. It's just a void, it leads to nowhere.

Suddenly I remember I left something. I look at myself to see if I missed anything. Right, my Loric pendant. It was under my pillow.

Sister Agnes walks faster now. I let the bulbs explode with my telekinesis so the nun wouldn't see me. She stops for a moment, and then walks again. Candle light shines from the door down the ladder, which I guess Sister Agnes know someone's really down here.

I don't have choice.

I don't have time to get my pendant. This is my chance to go. I look back at the door.

You want to escape, right? My self-conscious says. Just jump...

"Is there someone in there?" The nun asks. "Show yourself before I call the police!"

Too late, I already jump towards the imaginary door. My body twirls and spins like I'm a drunk. My visions turn into a blur. I can see nothing but black and white lines. It perfectly match for me, illusion is my thing.

I collapsed.

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