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L I Z Z I E03 | enigma

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03 | enigma

The bathroom mirrors reflect five faces of myself back to me, showing me exactly how flushed I am after that encounter with Mr. Pierce.

I know somewhere that I am crossing my lines more than necessary by challenging my boss one night before my workday. So far, by our two conversations, I have managed to figure out that Ryan Pierce has five different kinds of scowls.

Unfortunately, they all look the same and they are all present on his face all the time.

This man has managed to make me more nervous in a span of twelve hours than I have been my whole life. Heck! I wasn't even nervous when I lost my virginity to Braden Taylor in 10th grade.

I sigh at the mirror and then turn the tap on to wash my face. I don't care about my makeup anymore and if I keep myself adjusted, I will end up drinking some more and a hangover isn't a good thing early in the morning of your first day at work. If I look worse, I will feel more comfortable leaving.

The cool water releases some tension in my nerves and when I lift my head back up, my makeup is mostly washed away, bringing my many freckles visible to the eyes. Everything has been washed out except for the waterproof eyeliner.

Thank Walmart for that too.

Releasing a sigh, I open the door to the washroom to step out. Loud music greets my ears, and I see people being even more drunk and crazier than they were when I left the floor.

I look at the crowd to search for Tia and see her making out with a guy on the dance floor. From here, he looks kind of cute and I don't want to interfere with her make-out session. Grinning at her luck, I take out my phone and type a quick message to her before sending it.

He's cute. Great catch.
I'm going home.

As I put my phone back into my bag, someone collides with me pretty hard, sending me crashing against a nearby wall. I see spots for seconds as my vision darkens.

"Hey, watch out!" I yell, holding my head as it spins.

The person who collided with me turns. He looks big, old, and completely drunk. He even has his saliva dripping down his mouth to his beard and is carrying a bottle in his hand.

It's disgusting.

"Fucking bitch! Standing...in the way," he growls at me and steps forward.

I instantly back against the wall when he steps closer and extends an arm to grab me.

"Hey! Move away!" I try to walk past him but he blocks my way and brings his smelly drunken face close to my own.

His hands are on my arms, hooking into my neckline as he tries to tear it open.

"You'll do for tonight," he slurs, dripping booze down his mouth.

I try to reach for my sling bag where I carry a pepper spray always but his body pushing against mine leaves me without space. My arm is crammed between his body and the wall and the pressure of his weight knocks the breath out of my lungs.

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