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L I Z Z I E07 | fantasy

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07 | fantasy

Tia is sleeping on the couch when I return. The TV is playing the latest episode of her favorite show 'Whose Money? Her Pocket', and the host's voice as he announces the next contestant is the only voice that echoes through the hall besides Tia's snores.

I have half a mind to wake her up when I see her sprawled on the couch in a deranged position with her hands and arms spread wide. Her sleep shorts have ridden up and her top is almost halfway up her boobs. It is not even that hot.

I wonder if she always sleeps like that even at her one-night stands. There's a little surprise as to why none of her flings call her back. You see your partner sleeping like that, you instantly regret fucking the life out of them the previous night.

Letting her sleep, I walk towards my room. Switching on the lights, I let my handbag fall to the floor while my muscles groan with exhaustion.

Contrary to my wishes, this has been the most hectic day of my life. Ryan Pierce is a workaholic beast. He wouldn't even let me come home because he had to work for a few hours more.

He has been making me run stupid errands all day, like printing stuff, changing dates, printing stuff again, making photocopies of his past projects, and some other dumb things which at the end of the day he said he no longer needed.

It's 9 pm and he is still working.

I had to run from there without giving him a chance to task me with something else.

Fuck...that man is as handsome as the devil but twice as wicked.

Moaning in pain, I enter the bathroom and start to take off my makeup. As layers of the foundation come off, I get to see the person I am behind all that facade.

The person only one man ever saw.

'One month, that's all. You have 30 days.'

'30 days for what?'

'For breaking Ryan Pierce. Destroy his heart, leave no stone unturned. Make him fall in love with you and then crush it all. You know what you've to do.'

'Why are you doing this? Why are you tempting me this way?'

'I'm not tempting you, Lizzie,' he said as he stepped closer. Reaching up, he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, leaning in to whisper. 'Break his heart, Elizabeth. Then come back to me.'

I can't believe I slept with that man before all of that happened. It was the dirtiest but the most needed sex of my life. He was filthy, sexy, and worked my body in seven different ways the whole night.

I shake my head, shoving away the memories of that night. The stranger had been kind at first, buying me a drink when he saw me sitting empty-handed beside Tia. I had no money of my own and Tia was already drunk to lend me some. I was only there to look out for her and make sure she was coming home safe.

Breaking PierceWhere stories live. Discover now