chapter 1

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(No one pov)

9 months after Mio( They're daughter) was born.

Izuku knock and walk in Katsuki's office. " Kacchan, do you have work?" He ask staying near the door.

Bakugou sigh. " What does it look like to you?" He say with slightly angry voice.

" Oh, then i will take my leave" Izuku walk toward the door but stop when he hear him husband talking.

" You already interrupt me, might as well say what do you want." He lean in his chair and cross arms.

Izuku turn around, facing him. " I was just wondering if you'd want to come with me and Mio to the dragons garden. It will be her first time seeing them" Izuku say with small smile, thinking about what his daughter's reaction could be.

" Ugh, are you serious? You expect me to attempt to these bullshit?" Katsuki raise eyebrow. " Plus don't you as a queen have more important things to do than bringing a baby in the dragons garden?"

Izuku look down. " You know perfectly well that I finish my work no matter what, so it won't be a problem " He say with small voice. " And it's not every baby, it's our daughter" He mumble but Katsuki hear.

He row his eyes. " Whatever, i don't care. Go and do whatever you want, just leave me alone."

" Of course" Izuku exit the room with frown. " Of course he doesn't care. He haven't for the past 7 months." He sigh " Is it too much to ask for him to just come so he can see her first reaction? I don't want him ro leave his stupid work for all the day, just 10 minutes" He was talking to himself under his breath. "You can't always work, you have to have fun too. We are royal for crying out loud, our work never ends." He was walking down the hallway and turned the corner.

" Oh, you're majesty, it's pleasure to meet you" Shinso a knight that have been working for the royals even before Izuku became the queen.

" Shinso, i told you so many times, for the past two years, to stop calling me 'your majesty', i don't really like it. Plus i consider you friend" As Izuku was saying that Pink haired girl, also a knight walk to them.

" Hey Izuku" She greet

" See?" Izuku smile and alos greet her.

" You know i can't just do that. That's just how i was raise" He explain maybe for a 50th time or even more.

" You know what" Izuku say. " After two years i give up" Izuku throw hands. "You can call me whatever you want" Then he turn to Mina who was giggling. It wasn't the first time she had seen that, but it was the first time Izuku just give up. " Anyway, what are you up to?" He ask her.

" Not much, right now I'm on my break so i was just wondering around, you?" She ask genuinely interested.

" I was gonna show Mio the dragons" Izuku say and scratch his neck.

" If the king gonna come, i see your walking 8n the direction oposite of his office, so i just assume you went to ask him" She smile.

" Oh, uh" Izuku was having trouble answering the question. " No, he won't come, he have work" Izuku try to hide his disappointment but both knight wasn't buying it.

They look at each other with sorrow in their eyes. Mina's smile fall " I can come with you if you want? My break isn't long, but i will gladly tag along" Mina suggest.

" Yeah me too" Shinso say.

Izuku smile. " You don't have to" he shacke his head. " I get that i can be annoying and boring, plus i don't want to take away your break. I'm sure there's more interesting things to do" Izuku painfully chuckle. The truth is, he really wished someone to just hang out with him time to time, talk to him. And Mina's suggestions was everything he wanted, however he can't be sure they don't do it just because he's practically their boss, ot because they really care. He didn't want to be a burden either.

Mina frown. " Forgive me, your majesty, but i consider you my friend. And like one, i won't let you go alone when your spirit is abit down. "

Izuku's laugh, something he haven't done in a while. " Oh Mina, your forgiven. And you can come if you really want, i just have to go and get her" Mina nod and smile at Izuku. Then idea come to him mind. " Do you both want longer break?"

" What do you mean?" Shinso ask.

" Oh nothing, i can just say that i need you both for something. That all" the greenette told them.

Mina's eyes widen at realization. "Izuku, you devil angel, you're really smart"

" Do i miss something?" Confused Hitoshi ask.

" Are you dunce? He will say he need is for something, when at the same time will just be talking, that's basically what we do in our breaks" She explain.

" Oh, right?" Shinso mumble embarrassed.

" Pfft- now now. It's fine Shinso, we all are dunce at times." Izuku mock him.

" S-shut up" He say as red as tomato.

" Oh?" Izuku tilt his head.

Shinso realized what he say and his eyes widen. "I-i'm sorry your majesty, i didn't mean it"

Izuku chuckle at hoe work up Shinso was. " Finally breaking the ice i see. It's fine, calm down" He say actually happy that Shinso kind of talk back to him.

" Um, i think we should go and take Mio . It will get dark after 4 hours, let's go when we still have time left. " Mina say.

" You're right, then excuse me, I'm going to bring her. Wait for me infront of the garden " Izuku excuse himself and walk toward his daughter's room. After two corridors he was finally infront of her door. He open it and went to the bubbling little girl in the crib. " Hey there sunshine, i see your awake" He take her in her arms. " I have a surprise for you, let's go and see it" Izuku kiss his daughter cheek and walk toward the garden.

Words: 1028

I'm not sure how many chapters will be here, but i don't think it will be really long story.

Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Stay safe and love you all...♡

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