chapter 4

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I went inside the meeting room and saw my husband and Monoma talking. " What did i miss?" I ask with a smile. I might not like Monoma and how he rules his kingdom, but that's not excuse for bad manners.

" We are nearly settled the deal for the land that the want farmers , we only need your signature" Monoma say.

I sit on the chair next to Kacchan. "Forgive me, but i don't think you managed to talk out all the details in the spam of 1 minute that i was late"

" We did it through letters, i come only to take what we agree on and your signature" Monoma explain.

I look suspiciously at Kacchan. " Alright then" I grab the document and pen. "Befor i sign, what did the king promise you?"

" Nothing much, you get the land and i get some Omegas. It a good deal, right?" He smirk at me.

I put down the pen and glare at my husband." You sell our people, for a piece of land?" I ask furious.

He cross his arms. " What are some Omegas for the among of land we will get"

I get up from my seat. " Listen to me, Katsuki, and listen very carefully. You will NOT sell MY people. Got it? If i find out that you sell even one Omega and especially to Monoma, i suggests you sleep with a knife next to you and one eye wide open." I coldly say and walk toward the door. " I will handle the problem with the land we need, you can go in your mouse hole of a office and solve other problems" To say he was stunned is underestimated. I turn to Monoma. " Sir Monoma, please leave my castle" I say and walk out of the door slamming it.

I can't believe it?! Have he lost his mind?! Doesn't he know how Omegas are treated in that specific kingdom? No, he knows, he simply doesn't care. I sigh out loud. There are so many other kingdoms he could have asked help of, why the fucking Monoma?! I'm so mad right now, gotta calm down. I breathe in and out slowly....

It isn't working! My mood is ruined for the rest of the day. I walk down one of the many hallways when bump into someone " Sorry" mumble and look up.

" Sir, are you alright? You look angry?" Iida, a knight with dark blue hair, ask, also one of my closest along with Mina, Shinso and Momo.

" I'm fine, but i indeed am abit angry." I confess.

" Is there something i can do to help?" He ask worried.

" hmm, can you get my horse ready, please?" I ask.

" Of course, my queen" He say and walk away. Now to find Momo. I walk around the castle until i finally find her and my little sunshine. " Hi Momo." I greet my favorite maid.

" Hello Izuku, are you here to take your daughter?" She politely ask.

" Sorry, can you watch her some more? I wanted to go out with my horse for a while." I scratch the back of my neck.

" Oh, of course" She smile sweetly. "Go and have some fun, i really like to take care of her anyway"

" Thanks Momo, you really are a live savior" i sigh in relief and she nod. I leave her with my sunshine again and went to where Iida was waiting with my horse.

(Pov: No one)

" Sorry for the wait Iida, i just didn't feel good" Izuku smile at the knight.

" You majesty, i don't think the best thing to do is ride a horse right now. If you don't feel good you should stay in the castle" Told him Iida will a worried look.

Izuku smile softly. " I'm glad that someone is worried about me, but there's no need Iida, i was just a bit angry. I will be fine and not too away from here"

Iida sigh. Angry? This wasn't something their queen felt usually. If he was angry then there was a good reason for it. " As you wish then, your majesty. Have a nice ride. And also most of us are worried about you, you're the best queen we could ask for." He say and bow. Even if he didn't like it there was nothing he could do against it. " Promise me you'll stay safe my queen, otherwise i will have to send someone with you."

Izuku chuckle. " As i said, i will be fine. You worried too much for nothing, but if it will make you feel better, i can come pay you visit when i get back." Izuku suggest.

" I would like very much like that, your majesty" The knight say as he bow one more time. " It's best to be sure"

" I was just joking, but i guess now i will really have to." Izuku hop on his horse and smile down at Iida. " Thank you Iida, you help me feel a bit better." Izuku confess.

" No problem at all your majesty, I'm just happy to help" He say.

" I'm going then, have a nice day Iida, see you later" Wave him Izuku.

" Have a nice ride" Say the knight as he wave back before going inside the castle again.

As the horse ran, Izuku enjoyed nature. How every time the wind blew, the branches of the trees swayed. How the birds fly freely through the sky and how the grass reflects the sunlight. It was somehow magical. Calm. That's why he liked it so much, his little
'get away' place.

Soon he stop on the top of a hill, where he sat and just stare at nowhere. His beautiful horse ,Liam, laying next to him also enjoying the view. He sat there for hours and hours. Until he noticed it was starting to get dark, meaning he leave Mio in Momo's care for almost all day. Oh god, he was there almost all day, thinking about what went wrong in his and Katsuki's relationship, thinking about what is he supposed to do to solve the problem with the land they needed for the farmers. With one last glance toward the beautiful sunset, he jump on Liam and ride at full speed toward the castle.

When he get there he was happy greeted. He give the Liam to some of the people that were there and excuse himself. Izuku rum straight to where he knew he'll find Momo and his little baby. The moment he saw his sunshine he run to them and hug his daughter tight, not wanting to separate from her again.

Words: 1100

I still haven't decided from whom kingdom Izuku to ask help so bear with me.

You'll most likely find out in the next chapter.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Stay safe, love you all! ~¤♡¤~

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