chapter 21

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Izuku walk down the many stairs finally getting to the bottom just to see the so said person looking back at him.

They had a bit shorter than the shoulders brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin. They were biological female and Izuku could tell. But that didn't mean he was going to go easy on them.

" So" he cross arms. " You are the so called mole we have" He ask not expecting an answer. And not getting one as well. " You want to keep silent? Fine by me. I just need you to listen anyway"

Just then another pair of footsteps were heard going down the stairs. " Hey Izu, i got the info you ask for" Mina cheerfully say before giving him the file. " It's not much but it's all we could get for such short period."

" It's fine, i don't need much. Just basic info" He accept it and look throught it.

" Hmm? As i expected" Izuku smile, the prisoner looking at him confused.
" You ARE from Shigaraki's kingdom after all. The kingdom of war, that's how its known here and in almost every other kingdom."

They're eyes widen and look at Izuku with fear, still not saying anything. What did they go throught so much training for after all, if they were just going to spill the beans.

" Still won't talk?" Izuku raise eyebrow meeting only silent. " Then, let's lok at this again." He continue reading the file
" Mother - dead, Father and 2 siblings. Oh, both boys" He look at them." In a household with only man, it must been tough" He comment.

Still not a word come out of their mouth

He sigh. " You sure are a stubborn one. Let's do it that way then." He examined them. " You have lots of scars. Maybe from training, but not even that can give you so much scars. Unless you really suck at fighting. So it's either that, or you didn't have the best home, did you?"

They flinch at that but still didn't talk.

" No? Then i will just do a wild guesses. Your father probably beated you. That's why you must of qent in the army. To show him you can be just as strong" They tremble abit. " Ah, bullseye" he say with a smile.

" But that's not everything. My soldiers told me you let it slip you were doing it for someone else, not for Shigaraki as you king." He look them in the eyes.
" I wonder, is it for one of your brothers? Or both? Sure it isn't for your father. I mean you probably want his validation, but i don't think you would go this far for it."

He could see the tears fighting to spill in they're eyes. For someone to be able to read you like an open book this easily, sure it wasn't pleasant.

" I also know that you probably have a partner in crime. Tell me who the other mole is and i will let you go off easy-"

" What's the point!" They scream looking at the ground. " You might let me go, but the king won't. I'm not dumb i know he can kill me anytime and you'll still have keepen your promise"

" Hah, Do you really believe we arw that cruel." When he didn't receive answer for god knows what time he sigh. " Don't worry about him. He doesn't even know we've catch you. And he doesn't need to if you cooperate.
I will make sure we find your brothers and bring them here, so they have a better lives i promise. Hell if you want you can even bring your father. " He said with a soft tone.

They couldn't take so much. For some time now they were crying and so they finally give up. " Do you promise you'll find my family and keep them safe if i tell you?" They ask as they calm down abit.

Izuku nod. " I do promise"

They took a deep breath. " The other spy is.......

* Clap* End of scene

Sorry i had to stop it here but i gotta keep ya hooked after all, right?

Also i wrote the chapter few day ago, but forgot to publish it🥲🔫

Sorry about that. It was just late and i kinda pass out the moment i finished it...

Anyway, hope you liked the chapter!
Stay safe!~¤♡¤~

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