chapter 6

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(Pov: No one, Kirishima's kingdom)

There was a knock on the door. " Sir, there's a letter that come for you this morning" Say one knight through the closet door.

" You may come in" Kirishima shout from his chair behind his desk full of papers.

The knight open the door walk in and bow before continuing speaking. "As i was saying sir, A letter from our neighbor The dragons kingdom come this morning. " he say as he place the letter down on the desk.

Kirishima take it and open it. The moment he saw the writing he raise eyebrow. " That's not bakubro's writing" he mumbled and start reading it.

To: Kirishima

Hi Kiri! As you surely have noticed that's not Katsuki's writing! That's because I'm Izuku.

I wanted to talk with you for something really important. And no, Katsuki can't talk with you about it. It's complicated right now, it'salso relatedto work so yeah.

Anyway! I was hoping that you could come by, by any chance.

We haven't seen each other in really really long time, so that can be the perfect opportunity to do so!

Also say Kami insay Hi! And that I miss him too!

Hope you can take a break from duty and come by. Please write your response as soon as you can!

- Izuku Midoriya/Bakugou ~☆~

When he finished reading the letter he chuckle. "The same happy sunshine as ever. Could you please ask Denki to come to my office? " Kirishima ask the knight.

" Of course my king" He bow and leave the room.

Kirishima lean on his chair and stared at the ceiling. " Why does Izuku write me tho? Usually Bakugou sends me one or two a month, but these past months he haven't, now that i think about it. Maybe something happened with him? Nah, he's probably fine. But still, Izuku never writes to me specifically, it's either only to Denki ot both of us. And he never does it for work, and that now, that was absolutely for work." He sigh. "There's something wrong with this whole shit. Maybe we really gotta visit them so we can figure it out, it's getting me unease for some reason."

He's muttering was stop by the sound of the door opening. He look at who entered and smile. " Hi Ei, I heard you were looking for me?" Kaminari say with smile on his face.

" Yeah, Izuku just write us and wants to visit him as soon as possible." Kirishima explain.

" Why is something wrong" Ask Kaminari worried.

" I don't know, just look at the letter yourself" Kirishima gesture towards the open letter infront of him.

Kaminari walk to him and sit on his wap to read it. " That's weird" He say whe he finished reading.

" What is?" Ask Kirishima.

Kaminari glance at the letter one more time. " That's definitely Izuku's writing, however he never writes us about work. And why can't Katsuki writing us?"

" That's whatvi was thinking too" Kirishima sigh once again.

" There's definitely something up and not only work related" Kaminari cross arms. " I might be dumb, but Katsuki have been acting strange, more cold to be exact. He haven't written to us in months an come on, we all know he say many stuff but he cares for us and always checks up on us. Even if it's once a month" Kaminari look at the latter one more time before grabbing it again and waving it infront of him and Kirishima face. " That just proves my suspicious. Everything about them is strange in the past what? 6/ 7 months, who knows. We really have to go and check up on them, maybe even get done with that thing related to work."

Kirishima chuckle. " Whatever makes you happy my love" He say and kiss his lover.

" Don't get cheeky now, we are serious " Kaminari say with a smile.

" I know that" He say and this time he kiss Kaminari's cheek. " Should we write back?" He ask.

" Of course! Why even ask" Kaminari say.

Kirishima chuckle again. " Then let's first clear some things up. When are we going there?" He ask.

" Hmm.." Kaminari think for a moment. " Right now we have a bit worth soooo, just write 2 days after the letter get to them. It takes 1 day for the letter to get there, so they can expect us after 3 days. That should be enough time for us fo find a solution for our problem with the money, right?"

Kirishima hud his loves one from behind while his still sitting in his wap. " And you dare call yourself dumb? I call that bullshit. You're obviously smarter than me if we are being honest." He say and kiss Kaminari's neck.

Denki giggle. " Stop flattering me"

" You deserve it tho" he say from behind him

"Whatever you say, now start writing! More writing less talking!" He say as he kiss Kirishima on the lips.

" As you wish my love" Kirishima started writing.

When they finish they call one of the guards and instruct him to send the letter to the Dragons kingdom. With that done and out of the way, Kirishima and Kaminari decided to take a bit of a break and have time for themselves, something like an inside date.


Hehe~ A bit of Kirikami.

Ngl, if you ask me they really are for each other. It's one of my fav ships.

Anyway! Hope you enjoy!

Stay safe and love y'all! ~¤♡¤~

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