chapter 7

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( Pov: no one, With Izuku)

3 days later the letter from the Kirishima's kingdom finally arrived. Izuku had just taken a break, just chilling with his baby. That's when one of the knights knocked on the door. Izuku let him know that it's fine for him to enter and so he did, giving Izuku the latter right after. He read it and smile. "After two days, huh" he say to himself. And look at his little girl. "You haven't seen uncle Kami and uncle Kiri if i recall right, right?" He smile. " You're gonna see them soon." He pat her on the head and she giggle. " Aren't you adorable, only if you could stay like that for forever" He kiss her cheek, take her in his arms and walk out of the room, going to the kitchen. " Let's see if there are some cookies left, so we can steal them" She giggle in agreement and Izuku laugh. "Aren't you a little cookie thief. First Momo's and now you're happy about us stealing the other cookies as well."

They walk in the kitchen. " Oh your majesty, what are you doing here?" Ask a tall muscular man with short brown hair.

Izuku put one finger to his lips. " Shhh- we are here to steal the cookies, don't tell anyone. Right, Mio?" She nod 2 times. Despite her being very young not even having 1 year yet, she was really smart. She can't speak, but understand most of the things around her.

Sato chuckle. " It this case you might want to wait for a bit and steal the just made cookies, how about that?" He ask.

Izuku smile. " Sounds like a great plan, I'm sure Mio agree too." He sit on one of the chairs there and place Mio on his lap.

They wait while at the same time Izuku and Sato made small talks. Soon the cookies were ready, the greenette grab some and wave bye to the chef, leaving the kitchen.

~Two days later ~

" Is everything ready?" Izuku ask one of the many maids.

The dark pink haired girl nod. "Everything is ready for the arrival of King Kirishima and King Kaminari. The rooms are cleaned and there are also some new clothes in the wardrobes. Just for sure" She explain in details everything she and the other had made.
" I believe that should be everything." She bow politely.

Izuku smile. " In that case, thank you very much. You can have the rest of the day off. Have some fun and do whatever you want to do."

Her eyes light up as she bow once again this time lower. " Thank you so much your majesty! It really means so much to me! Today is my daughter's birthday, now i would be able to spend it with her"

Izuku frown. " Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would have had you leave alot earlier, or not come at all." He put a hand in his pocket and take out something, handing it to the woman.

She look at the thing in her hands in awe. " I- i don't think i can take that my queen" she say.

The greenette chuckle. " Don't worry, inwas gonna give this necklace to King Denki, but your daughter can have it. I will just choose another one for Denki" he say with a smile.

" I really appreciate it, my queen" She bow once again. " It means so much, I own you alot" She say with a head down.

" Raise your head" Izuku spoke softly. "It's not tyat big of a deal for me. You also don't own me anything. Just go and enjoy your daughter's birthday with her. Now go" Izuku made a gesture with his head, the maid nod and walk away, skipping her steps happily. Izuku couldn't not chuckle at the sign before him. It just made him feel happy seeing someone else happy. It always has been like that, ever since he was little.

Mio was sleeping the whole time, so Izuku decided to walk outside on the balcony and wait for his friend arrival there. He was in such a good mood it was almost impossible to ruin it.

Words: 696

That's the seventh part, however i don't think this one is gonna be longer than 15 chapters tbh.

Anyway! Hope you enjoy!

Stay safe and love you all! ~¤♡¤~

~I'm sorry My Love~ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum