Chapter 6:: Excitement

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Author's POV: 

You licked your fingers, still fazed by how delicious the food was. Looking at Taehyung who was constantly chuckling seeing your happiest reaction to his cooking, you frowned a little.
"What?" You asked, scrunching up your face. 
"Nothing, I'm just enjoying seeing you enjoy my food."
"Oh. Well... hard to admit but you're a great cook."
You said, sounding a little stretched. Well, you weren't used to complimenting him. He just smiled ear to ear, saying, "Then, I'll cook for you more. We have lots of time." 

'Lots of time?' A thought crossed your mind. What did he mean by that? 

You shrugged off any excess thoughts and spoke, "I'll do the dish-washing since you already cooked." 
"Let's do it together. We need to hurry, it's almost time to submit your forms."
He said, walking toward the sink with the dishes as you followed him. 

—Time skip

"Well, the forms were submitted, woo hoo!" You clapped to yourself, looking at the time. It was 4:15 pm.

"Tomorrow is the first day of University, are you excited?" You thought about his question for a while and sighed. You were, very excited. Your palms were sweating quite a bit and your heart was racing. You didn't know if it was only for the University or anything else—like him. But those thoughts seemed ridiculous so you shrugged them off.

As you both walked along the footpath, in new outfits and a more freshened state, you couldn't help but notice how beautiful and lively the road of the University was. It was full of trees and people, food stalls, a small clothing stall near the University gate, and some street hawkers moving. A few bystanders were also seen—some with kids, some with older people. 

Everyone was colourful. So were their smiles and laughter, the way the noise reached your ears made you smile. You hadn't seen this liveliness in Seoul. It was always busy with studies, work traffics, and people. Though there was much beauty to the city, being here was different. No one had phones in their hands while walking—a few were exceptions. Most people were just enjoying themselves. 
It was a very small town—though not much underprivileged—and everyone knew each other, they called each other by names. It made a sense of familiarity arise in you.

Everyone knew Taehyung, he knew everyone too. You met the people who helped raise you in your childhood and it felt pleasant, like a new feeling. It felt like a new life—a beautiful vacation. After years of growing up apart from them, you thought it would be hard to adjust again. You were nervous if you'd be able to adjust here. But the first 3 days went by smoothly. 

Now was the turn for the University, and you wondered if you could fit in there too. Because you had been away for a long and you had no idea how it'd be in here.

"You'll be happy here, I promise." You heard Taehyung speak from beside you. Looking up at him, you asked, "Huh? Did I say something?"
"No, but your thoughts are showing on your face. People here are nice and friendly. People might like you instead, no one here is quite the bullying type. Other than a few but I assure you I'm stronger than those idiots." 

You chuckled at his smug face and nodded saying, "Sure, you sound like my bodyguard now."
"Wanna hire me? I'm reliable."
"Oh, definitely not. Anyone but you."
"I'm the best option though."
He frowned a little as you laughed, looking away, fastening your pace. 

Soon, you both entered the house to see your mother and aunt sitting in the living room. Grandma Violet was eating biscuits while sitting on the rocking chair. 
"Oh, you both are home? Where did you go?"
"Submit the forms?"
You asked, quite unsure about the ladies sitting in the room. They all looked happy and tired.
"You're early, ladies?" Taehyung asked with a soft smile on his lips.
"We wanted to visit some more houses but Grandma got tired." Your mother said, smiling at you both. You saw how Aunt Mary's gaze jumped from Taehyung to you and from you to Taehyung in a matter of moments. God, her face didn't look normal. She must've been creating some beef in her mind. You swallowed hard and looked away, not knowing how to react. 

My Summer With You || Taehyung FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon