Chapter 16:: Hurt

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Author's POV: 

Did you hear right? You weren't dreaming, right? 

You possibly couldn't. He possibly couldn't be joking with that serious face either. The look in his eyes, the soft quiver of his lips—it all made you feel weak. It made you nervous. 

You stared into those deep brown—almost black—eyes that stared back at you. There was tension. A tension that makes your skin tingle, your heart pound and your mind hazy. It was more than tension. 
You looked at the raven-haired in front of you, his lashes lowering before they stared back at you with the same intensity as before. 
"Are you... drunk?" That was all you could get out of your dumb mouth. His slight frown said he wasn't but he smiled a little. 
"Do you want to keep playing dumb? Then I'll play along until you want to stop playing dumb. But my patience might have a limit. Because I've been holding it in for long enough." His deep voice sent shivers down your spine but it comforted you in such a way you were confused. 

Was he the cure or the destruction? 

You looked down immediately. 
"What are you-"
"Let's go home quickly. It's raining."
He said, staring out of the window. Shit, you didn't even realize. You nodded and got up, following him outside. The treat was on Mina so she had paid before getting drunk and sleeping the night away. 
As you both got out of the restaurant, you were about to enter the Uber app but stopped when you felt a hand on yours. 
"We're not done talking. I wouldn't cut you off. I just wanted us to enjoy the rain because you love the rain." 

How did he know? Oh... he did. Right. 
In your childhood, you both always ran around in the rain and caught a cold—getting scolded by your parents and Grandma afterwards but it was always worth all the fun. 
You looked at Taehyung, shoving the phone back in your bag as he smiled at you.
"Are you suggesting we-"
"Yes, exactly. Do you want to?"
"Always up for it!"
You almost squealed making him chuckle. He forwarded his hand for you to hold it and you did. You felt his grip on your hand tighten and you did the same. You didn't want to let go.

This chemistry between your hands—how they fit so perfectly and felt so warm against each other—was everything right now. 

"3...2...1," Taehyung spoke and ran in the rain as you squealed loudly feeling the raindrops fall on top of you. God, it was pouring hard and this was fun. The cold water droplets dripped down your face, making a cold yet soothing sensation awaken in you. You both ran on the road as you shouted, "Where are we going?!"
He shouted back. The loud rain and horns of the cars were making it impossible to hear a thing but the fresh smell of the rain falling on the pavement, his warm big hands on yours and the way he grinned, glancing back at you, again and again, made it worth it all. It all felt so perfect. 
"Ah! We'll catch a bad cold!" You shouted. 

"Then we get scolded! Who cares?!" Taehyung shouted back. His reckless behaviour never died. You laughed as you saw him almost tripping on the pavement along with you.
"God, die alone! Why are you dragging me!"
"I'm... it was a mistake!"
He shouted back. You were laughing and so was he. You both were now on a bridge, running with slowed steps. You felt Taehyung stop near the railing of the bridge as his hands on yours loosened for a moment before they tightened again. 

You stared at him. He was soaked and so were you. His wet locks stuck to his forehead and water dripped down his face. He smiled at you saying, "Do you like this rain?"
"I do."
You said, smiling widely. The smile reached his eyes, making your stomach twist. He looked so pretty with that smile. A smile he always gave you—all the time. 
"I love this rain." He said with a pause. His gaze roamed all around your face as it moved to your joined hands. He smiled, looking at you again. 
"Because you are in it." His words made your heart beat louder than they already were. 
"Taehyung..." You whispered. He took a few steps closer to you, and the sound of the rain was becoming muffled to your ears. Even after being soaked, he had a warmth to him. You could feel it as he walked closer to you. 

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