Chapter 12:: Longing

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Author's POV: 

"Oh my god... what a sight!" Isa spoke, smirking as soon as she saw you clinging onto Taehyung like a koala bear. Yes, this was true. 
You had three stages while bringing drunk. Stage 1 is the sad quiet kid. Stage 2 is the irritated mad one—which Taehyung had to deal with the entire time he tried to drag you inside the taxi to bring you home. And stage 3 is the clingy wailing kid. Well, this one was more than embarrassing. 

You were latched onto him the entire taxi ride claiming he was your long-lost best friend who you missed so much the whole decade. This was true but—it didn't have to be revealed in this way. 

Surprisingly, Taehyung didn't even mind one bit. He found you adorable. He let you spew out nonsense to him the entire time and spoke back with the same enthusiasm. You played with his fingers and then his hair. He was almost exhausted taking care of you—who acted worse than a 5-year-old naughty kid getting freedom for the first time. But he enjoyed this side of you. 
And the entire taxi ride went weirdly... one example being-
"Look... Mr Dumpling says- Achoo!" You sneezed loudly as Taehyung sighed. He looked at you concerned and asked, "Are you okay?"
"Ywes Yes! So oKaaaay!" You giggled happily before sighing. 

"Do you know... virgin?" You asked, frowning. You saw Taehyung's eyes widen for a slight moment until he realized what you asked when you repeated, "A virgin... in the west?"
"West Virginia, you mean?" He asked, sounding panicked.
"Oh... yes! Virgin. You know?"
"I do... it's Virginia, not virgin."
"It's... okay. Virg-ini... virgin. I'm virgin..." Taehyung ran a hand down his face, embarrassed. 
"Okay, we don't have to talk about it, yeah?" 
"Oh... west, okaay." 

"I want to travel there." You said. He looked at you and said, "Hmm, when?"
"When I.... grrroowww old?" You asked, sounding confused. 

He honestly had no idea what you were doing. You were so random right now.

"Wanna go... with meeee? To... virgin??" 
"Yeah sure... to West Virginia." He said, sighing. You grinned and nodded, resting your head on his chest as he held you closer, not knowing what to do with you. He was trying not to laugh. You were going to be so embarrassed about this tomorrow. 
He ran a hand down your hair as you snuggled closer to him. The driver glanced at the mirror before smiling to himself which no one noticed. 

And now, in the house, you were being a bigger mess. 
"Oh my! Y/N!! Get down!" Aunt Mary hissed as you shook your head, burying your head in his neck, your legs tightening around his waist. He really couldn't smile right now. He'd be exposed if he did. He loved how you were clinging onto him, not wanting to let go. You were exposing yourself too badly. And he loved it. 
"Well, it's okay. I'll just put her to bed... if that's fine."
"Yeah, sure! God... you must be in pain. She's not usually that... weird." Your mother said, looking extremely uncomfortable with the sight in front of her. Isabel and Uncle Ben were laughing together at the scene. 

Taehyung smiled a little, feeling you whisper something into his neck. Walking upstairs into your room, he felt the presence of your aunt and mom behind him. 
"Uh, leave her. God... I'm so glad it's Taehyung. If it was some other guy, I would've been in a panic attack." Aunt Mary said, smiling a bit. Your mom sighed as Taehyung grinned, walking into your room. He made sure the door was a few inches open. Standing near the bed, he saw you pull your head back as you tilted your head, "Hello." You said it in the cutest way possible. He smiled widely and said, "Hey, smiley." 
"Is... virgin plan valid?" You asked. He nodded and said, "A hundred percent, as long as you want it." 
"Gooood~" You chortled, sighing the next moment. 

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