Navy Blue: Chapter 7

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Girl's night out was a tradition Sophie had instituted back in university. When Emily moved to Washington after law school, Sophie followed and revived the event where Mary was added to the roster. Kerri was a recent addition. Sophie recently hired the younger woman in a bid to expand her burgeoning catering business. The two had become fast friends, bonding under the pressure of cocktail parties, cranky customers, and crappy working hours.

Happy hour was in full swing as the quartet ordered a round of lavender martinis.

"Jessica and her husband just opened." Kerri was explaining her choice of location. "She's all about locally sourced ingredients and keeping a low carbon footprint."

"I like the space and the way they've married the old and new." Sophie indicated the silver steel beams butting up against the exposed brick on the wall behind Emily. Each column held shiny pots of leafy herbs. Original hardwood floors supported planter boxes separating the tables filled with different types of vegetables and flowers, giving the place a greenhouse atmosphere.

Kerri beamed at the compliment for her friend. "They even have a rooftop garden. You should see it at night. It's really romantic."

"I heard Carley Adam is a silent partner." Mary's head swivelled left and right, as if the infamous financier might appear. "Do you think he ever checks in on the owners?"

"Maybe that's him?" Mary's gaze darted in the direction Emily pointed—right at an older man who had spilled soup down the front of his shirt.

Mary slumped back in her seat. "Ha ha, Emily. There's nothing wrong with wanting to pay the man a compliment on his skills."

Emily suspected Mary admired his bank account more than his business savvy. At twenty-eight, her sister was on the hunt for a husband, but Mary wasn't interested in love. She was interested in a paycheck.

"Speaking of celebrities," Sophie turned to Emily. "Any sightings of Captain Finn?"

Emily thanked the server as he placed the thin stemmed glasses containing a pale purple liquid on the table. "He's a Petty Officer, not a Captain."

"Don't know the difference, don't care." Sophie waved a hand in the air. "Have you searched all the bases in town for him?"

"Didn't have to. He's a witness in my new case." Emily avoided her sister's heated glare.

"You're joking." Mary spat as Sophie cackled. "That's awesome."

Kerri knocked on the table, drawing the lady's attention. "Sorry, who's this?"

"Long story short, Finn's the one that got away." Sophie caught their new friend up on the backstory of the separated lovers.

"Let me get this straight. You haven't seen this man in eight years?" Kerri's face matched the awe in her voice. Emily nodded. "And you've loved him all this time?"

Emily nodded again, raising her hand to touch the silver charm hanging around her neck.

Kerri's eyes widened further, "But you've..." Her eyes scanned Emily up and down.

"She's not a nun, Kerri," Sophie interpreted her friend's expression. "There have been other men. I had high hopes for Adrian."

Adrian had been an acquaintance of Thomas, a fourth to fill out their dinner dates with Sophie and Emily. Otherwise known as a setup. According to Sophie, by the second year of university, Emily was supposed to move on. In typical Sophie style, she called Emily on her life choices, pointing out that Finn was not coming back and she had to try to move forward, find love somehow. Even if it could never be the same.

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