Navy Blue: Chapter 27

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The spring afternoon hinted at the coming heat of another summer as Emily sat with the girls on a patio on Tingey St.

Dinner had been switched to lunch due to the party tonight at Simpson, Simpson and Waters. Emily considered skipping the weekly girl gathering altogether, tired from the late night flight back from New York last night and nervous about the retirement speech she had to give in front of the company. Griffin was out with Mr. Waters. But Sophie pointed out that she still needed to eat. Why not eat with friends?

Emily had resisted going to the Navy Yard local, but caved when Mary insisted they had to try Tupelo Honey. Afterall, it was her turn to select the restaurant and Emily didn't want to fight. The choice came as a surprise, since her sister usually avoided this part of Washington.

Mary leaned in like she was spilling state secrets, the ruffles of her pink sundress creasing. "I heard Michael Flaterton eats here frequently."

Ah, the choice of location made more sense now. Emily shifted in her seat. She didn't like being so close to anything reminiscent of Finn. In New York she'd be able to focus on other cases Simpson, Simpson, and Waters handled. Non-miliary cases.

"Angling to bump into him?" Sophie asked.

Mary smirked, reclining in her chair as the server handed out menus. "Maybe."

Kerri's nose wiggled. "Who's Michael... what's his name?"

"A well-known senator with eyes on the White House." Sophie scanned the tri-folded paper.

Kerri's face fell, and she focused on her menu. "I'm not interested in political stuff."

Emily selected a martini, then changed her mind. Time to try something new. She searched for their specials.

"He also happens to be recently single."

Sophie's qualifier made Kerri's eyes perk up. "Well, that is interesting. Is he cute?"

"Very." Mary shoved her phone in Kerri's face. "Keep your eyes open for him."

Nothing on the specials list appealed to Emily. She resigned herself to a Manhattan as Kerri studied the photo. "He's a bit... old."

Mary's lips pursed. "He's 46. Plenty of gas in the tank."

Kerri squirmed in her seat. "I much prefer my men... fresher. John is 22."

Sophie raised an eyebrow. "There's a big difference between 26 and 22."

"Some men like older women." She was a year older than Finn. Emily bit the inside of her cheek. She would not think about Finn anymore.

"John says I'm a young 26." Kerri launched into a recount of her evening at the Playground, the excitement in her voice making Emily's teeth ache.

The server took their drink order and promised to be back with tortilla chips and guacamole.

"Did you see the Harrington's in New York?" Sophie asked.

"Only Sam." Emily's nerves vibrated at what she needed to say. "His parents are out of town." The time was now. She shifted in her seat. "But they offered to let me stay at their place while I look for an apartment."

Mary's head snapped up from her phone. "Why would you need an apartment? I thought the law firm paid for your hotel."

"They do." Emily swallowed past the lump in her throat. "But I'll be there permanently."

"What?" Mary gawked at the sister.

Emily reclined back in her chair. She'd said it. Out loud. There was no turning back now. "I'm moving to New York."

"That's exciting." Kerri seemed oblivious to Mary's anger.

Mary pitched forward, nearly smacking into the server trying to place a drink on the table. "You can't."

Emily's spine snapped straight at the demand in her sister's voice. Like her sister was an authority on what Emily could or should do. Mary was not her parent. Their mother might be gone, their father absent, but that didn't give Mary the right to order her around. Tired of giving in, it was time to take her life in her own hands. Way past time, actually. "Exactly why can't I?"

"You just got a promotion." Sophie studied Emily. "Are you passing it up?"

"No. I talked to Lance's father. There's a lawyer in the New York office looking to transfer to Washington. It'll be on a trial basis, but if it works out, I'll stay."

"Dad needs you here." Mary picked at the coaster her martini sat on.

"Dad has three daughters, not one. I'm sure you and Beth can step in."

Mary made a face like she didn't believe that. "He won't listen to me."

Emily crossed her arms. "And whose fault is that?"

"Ladies." Sophie rapped on the table. "If it's what Emily wants to do, we should support her."

Emily offered her friend a smile. Moving to New York meant no more Tuesday night drinks with Sophie. They'd been there for each other for years, depending on each other in tough times. Sophie nodded back, and Emily knew they'd be okay.

Mary's sharp tone cut through the air. "This is a bad idea."

Emily picked up her Manhattan and sampled the cocktail. The alcohol was bitter on the back of her tongue, but she swallowed and followed with a longer sip. "Well, you don't really have any say in the matter. It's my decision."

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