Navy Blue: Chapter 13

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A long white building loomed on the horizon, and Finn followed Emily's instructions to take the next exit. In her lap, fingers drummed against her thigh and he had to resist the urge to place his hand on hers. Instead he flicked on the turn signal and entered the hospital grounds.

Once parked, she jumped out of the car and bolted for the hospital entrance. Long legs allowed him to catch up easily, never hesitating to stay with her. Finn told himself he would be there in case Emily needed anything else, not knowing what they were walking into. At least until her family arrived.

"Are you a relative?" The nurse at the reception desk asked.

Emily's voice was strong and calm. "Yes, she's my Aunt. I have power of attorney if needed."

"Oh, not necessary." The nurse checked her computer screen. "She's been moved to the Simpson wing. Take the purple elevators at the end of the hall, to the 5th floor."

Side by side, they sped down the corridor leading to the private wing and stepped into a waiting elevator. The wide doors closed, locking Finn and Emily into the metal box. The floor shook as they inched up, and Finn squeezed Emily's hand.

His heart skipped a beat. He was holding Emily's hand. When had that happened? As the realization hit, he flexed to release her. She tightened her fingers, securing his grip.

Seconds ticked by as the elevator hummed. Finn revelled in the simple pleasure of holding her hand. The warm skin, the delicate fingers against his calloused ones. He stole a glance at her profile. Tension rolled off of Emily and again he wanted to say something comforting. Instead, he dragged his thumb over the top of her hand, trying to show what he could not say.

The elevator bobbed for a moment before the doors slowly slid open. Emily seemed to hesitate, and Finn stepped forward, leading the way. She followed.

Hands still clasped, he stopped at the nurses' station. "We...We're looking for Emily Pattersen's room." The tingly sensation of holding Emily's hand spread up his arm and across his chest. It was both a balm and a sting, bringing parts of him to life.

"She's resting in room 509. That way." The nurse pointed to her leftl. "Just around the corner. The doctor will be along shortly."

They walked down the hall, following the nurses instructions and Finn found his feet slowing. What would happen when they got to the room? Emily would let go and he'd be lost again. But he had no choice. This was temporary.

A silver plaque on the wall indicated 509 and he planted his feet on the spotless linoleum. "I'll wait out here."

"Will you come in with me?" Silver eyes met his. "I'm not sure I can..."

The lump in Finn's throat made it impossible to speak. A nod had to suffice.

She took a deep breath and, relaxing her grip on Finn's hand, pushed through the door. His hand ached at the loss of contact and he focused on the tiny tendrils of hair that had slipped from her swept up hair. He should be consoling her, but right now he craved the comfort of the feel of her hair slipping through his fingers.

Except for the evenly spaced beeping of the machine sitting beside an unconscious Aunt E, the bright, spacious room sat quiet. Sunlight flooded the room from a large window flanked by two armchairs upholstered in dark blue silk. Light wooden floors reflected the rays of the sun and if not for the clunky hospital bed and the thick white bandage wrapped around the elderly woman's head, one might have thought they'd interrupted her aunt having a nap in a well-appointed hotel room.

Upon seeing her relative, Emily gasped and whirled, pressing her head against his chest. Finn's heart responded to her touch, bursting to life. She nuzzled against him, easing into the familiar spot she'd occupied so many times that summer. The rightness of her settling against him overrode the shock of her movement. Her hands slid across his back. Without hesitation, he echoed her movements, encasing her small shaking frame with his long limbs.

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