Navy Blue: Chapter 30

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Emily sat on stage and focused on her hands, a tidal wave of emotions rolling over her. Mr. Waters spoke to the crowd, and she heard nothing but the ringing in her ears.

The swell started with shame at her reaction to seeing Finn. Her heart had double-timed at the deep rumble of the single syllable of her name, Finn the only one who called her Em. The heat stirring in her lower half at the sight of him, his silver suit, the tie that complimented his ocean-depth eyes. Stupid fingers desperate to trace the firm line of his jaw, like a magnet drawn to steel.

The wave morphed into disgust at giving in to his request to talk. She should have walked away. Left him in her dust as he had eight years ago. Loathing herself for wanting to know what he had to say, hoping it could be words of remorse, of contrition, of apology. Silly her. Finn had nothing to be sorry about.

Indignation spilled forth when Finn yelled at Mary, the dam breaking and her composure flying out the window. The pain, the doubts she'd carried in the corner of her heart, blurted out in a torrent of condemnations. Finn staring at her, mouth a gap, saying nothing.

Until anger boiled in her veins at his accusations, like she was somehow responsible for pushing him away. "You abandoned me." He'd said. How could he voice such a lie? She'd spend a summer proving to him with every breath her commitment to him. And she'd kept proving it, wearing the charm he'd given her around her neck for almost a decade.

The warm metal brushed against her throat as she tried to force oxygen into her lungs. She'd held on to the anchor charm, the only piece of him she had left. The proof of her dedication on display for him to see every time he or anyone bothered to look. But he hadn't mentioned the charm once. Another reminder he didn't care.

Except he'd sworn he did care. Her gaze flew to the corner of the bar where they'd stood and he'd shouted, "I care." Not cared. Current tense. Then the wave crested with confusion. Nothing made sense anymore. She was swimming against a riptide and her limbs were tiring.

"Ms. Montgomery has a few thoughts on the matter."

The mention of her name and her boss's grin shocked Emily out of the swirl in her mind. Hands clutching her notes, she rose, took the microphone. With a smile, she recited the words she'd written on a piece of paper. They elicited a few laughs in the appropriate places, and when over, a round of applause from the audience. She handed a plaque to her retiring coworker and resumed her seat as he gave his acceptance speech.

Relief washed over her at the friendly face of Lance, who offered to help her off the stage. He was always constant, someone she could depend on. "You had them in the palm of your hand." She attempted a smile at his wink. "I have something for you." He reached into his pocket and drew out an envelope.

Mary sidled up to them. "What's that?"

Lance offered the note to Emily. "Finn asked me to give this to you."

A stream of sensations accosted her. Shaky fingers reached for the envelope and the glimmer of hope betrayed all her plans to walk away from Finn. Curiosity and anticipation swam in her chest.

"Let me see that." Mary snatched at the paper.

"Hey." Lance jerked the envelope away. "It's for Emily. Not you."

Her sister made another attempt to take possession of the envelope. Once again unsuccessful, she accosted Emily. "Don't read it. Ignore this. Go to New York with a clean slate."

Emily took the letter from Lance and glared at her sister. "But you don't want me to go to New York."

"I changed my mind." Mary's chin jutted forward. "Don't let him derail you again."

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