Navy Blue: Chapter 36

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It didn't take Finn long to glide his fingers over her hip to gingerly caress the back of her thighs. Emily tilted her head back and inched closer. With slow intent, he moved his hands under her dress. Fingertips ran up her thighs and cupped her bottom, sending shivers down to her core. He continued his exploration, past her waist, up her back, raising the dress with them.

Each stroke was like nothing else on earth. The rough skin moulded to her body and his tender touch made her feel like she was a priceless piece of art. Must handle with care. He brushed a thumb against her breast, and she felt eighteen again. "Yes."

Finn took her instruction and held both her breasts in his hands. Glad she hasn't worn a bra tonight, she moaned in delight and a long-forgotten fissure of bliss moved through her. His hands still perfectly fit her, held her like they were made for this purpose. While he warmed her chest, she clutched at the material still covering her, wrenching the dress off and tossed it off to the side.

His hands fell away and Emily's stomach clenched as he drank in her naked body. "Beautiful."

From the first time they'd been together, Finn had made her feel like a goddess. That sensation rolled over her again at the awe in his voice.

He jutted forward and placed his lips against her stomach and her body came alive. With a press of his cheek against the same spot, he held her hips. Sliding her fingers into his hair, she massaged his scalp. For long seconds they stayed there, enjoying the sensation of touching each other.

Her heart threatened to beat its way out of her chest. How had she managed to live without this? His touch. His warmth. His care. The truth was, she hadn't. Here and now, she felt more alive than in any courtroom.

When she couldn't wait any longer, she tilted his face toward her. "Can I open the rest of my present, please?"

Finn stood up and removed the remainder of his clothing, layer by layer, pushing them aside.

At last, it was her turn to drink him in. Her throat constricted at the sight of him. Tall. Exposed. Real. "Beautiful."

The tips of his ears pricked pink. The need to kiss him bloomed in her chest and she closed the gap between them, grasping his face between her hands. His expression blurred.

"No, my dear, sweet Em." He kissed either side of her face with each word." No crying."

"Even if they are tears of joy?"

Finn shook his head. "You always find the good in everything." His mouth locked on hers as he crushed her to him. She never wanted the kiss to end.

Somehow, they made it back to the bed and this time she knelt on the soft mattress. A warm sensation enveloped her left breast. The wonder of Finn's lips on her tender skin, his tongue dragging across her nipple sent a deeper wave of pleasure through her body. In a trance-like state, a low moan left her own mouth and Emily swore she could feel Finn smile.

The cold returned as Finn let her go. But warm air soon tickled her now wet skin and her body jerked in response as he continued blowing softly. Fissures of fireworks danced behind her eyelids, and she sighed when the heat of rough fingers cupped her breast as his mouth moved to the other.

The sensation was almost overwhelming. Finn's strong arm holding her up as his hand and mouth worked their magic. Once again, he had the key to every pleasurable spot on her body.

Finn further reinforced this theory as deft digits gave up their activities on her chest, travelled down her stomach and slipped between her legs. She called his name as he grazed her bundle of nerves in lazy circles inciting molten lava to pool inside her.

For a moment or an hour, Emily wasn't sure, she hovered there in Finn's arms in ecstasy, edging closer and closer to the brink until her body could take it no more. A gush of gratification engulfed her, overtaking her senses, leaving her panting.

Finn looked pleased with himself, a lopsided grin gracing his normally reserved face. Gently, he laid her down on the bed, the mattress creaking as he placed his naked body beside her. Her turn to rediscover, she traced the center of Finn's torso, over his abdomen, and the length of him. Velvet soft and rock hard, just as she remembered.

Then she remembered something else. She buried her head in Finn's chest and whined, "I don't have any condoms."

The hand stroking her arm stilled. "I do." Her head popped off his chest. "Max." Finn let go of her and rolled off the bed, fishing in his jacket. "He stuffed them in my pocket as we left."

"I love Max." Emily's hand flew to her mouth.

Finn climbed back onto the bed, a square packet in his hand. "A few days ago, I thought you might."

"Sorry?" Emily sat up.

He laced their fingers and held her hand over his heart. "At the club. I thought you were there to see him."

The absurd thought caught her by surprise. "Hardly."

His mouth twisted into a smile, then fell. "I didn't kiss that woman." The lightness in Emily's chest evaporated. "She was all over me. I... I was angry because you were giving Max all this attention—"

"We were talking about you," she protested.

"I know. Max explained." Finn kissed her temple and the burning under her ribcage dulled. "I've been an ass."

She stroked his jaw. "I agree."

The grin returned and her heart leapt. She plucked the condom out of his hand and ripped the package open. "How many did Max give you?"

"Not enough." Finn caught her hand in his and pushed it onto the bed on the other side of her. The move brought his mouth within reach of her lips so she took what she could get, pressing her own against them.

The kiss was a frenzy, his passion washing over her. She felt treasured, adored. Heat flared and flamed between them and his desire met hers. She tried to communicate how she felt with a squeeze of the hand holding hers. Her hard nipples grazed against his chest sending tendrils of euphoria to her core.

He broke free long enough to put on the condom, finally positioning himself between her legs. She loved the taste of his mouth, exploring hers. She loved Finn's taunt skin scraping against her breasts. She loved how he felt inside her, filling her, completing her. They were one and nothing had ever felt more right.

Eight years turned to dust, dissipating into nothing but a memory easily forgotten. 

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