Navy Blue: Chapter 33

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Emily charged up the stairs. No time to wait for the elevator.

In her hand was the one thing she'd searched eight long years for. A way to contact Finn. Directly.

He'd written her a letter. So old fashioned. So perfect. She shoved aside the guilt of not listening to him when he'd approached her earlier. He'd tried to tell her in person, she could see that now. Luckily, Finn seemed to have a back up plan.

The door to her office slammed against the wall with the force of Emily's shove. Diving for her purse, she fished out her phone and forced her trembling hands to calm so she could dial. After two attempts, she finally got the number right. With no idea what she was going to say, Emily bounced as it rang. Her stomach flipped when she heard his voice.

"This is Finn Wainwright. Leave a message and I'll get back to you."

The buzz in her chest hiccuped with disappointment at the fact she only got his voicemail. "Finn. It's me. Emily." Laughter mixed with her attempts to catch her breath. "I read your letter. I... I love you too. Your words... oh, please please call me back. I love you. I love you."

She hung up and tried again. His voicemail again. Part of her thrilled she could punch in a few numbers and hear his voice. But she wanted to hear other words than an professional, emotionless recording. The sentiments in his letter. From him.

Unable to sit still, she paced across the front of her desk. He'd been at the party so he couldn't have left town yet. Had he signed his contract to renew for another four years? Her stomach cramped at the thought. He couldn't leave her again.

Finn Wainwright loved her.

His letter said everything she ever wanted to hear. They could work anything out. Together.

On her fifth pass by the desk, Emily realized she hadn't given him a number to call her back.

Not confident she could remember her own number at this point, Emily tried texting. The act of typing allowed her to be a little more rational, giving her the chance to edit. Her note repeated her proclamations of love and gave him every number she had, including the one to her father's condo.

Emily sent the text then stared out the window of her office. Outside the streetlights shone like beacons in the darkened streets slick with rain. Where was Finn?

He'd call. They'd be together soon. She had no option but to wait.

No. Enough of her life had been spent waiting. Emily grabbed her purse and raincoat and sprinted out of her office.

She had to get to that base.

Emily refused to let trifles like if they would even let her on to the base this late, never mind find Finn, hold her back. If there was a chance he was still here, nothing would stop her.

In the reception area, Emily pressed the button for the elevator and barely noticed George standing at the desk. Once upon a time, the man in the black suit before her had been her family's chauffeur. But as money got tighter and her father had to 'trim the budget', things like personal limos quickly fell by the wayside. Luckily, Lance's father had saved the day, bringing George over as a driver for the law firm.

"You'll need more than that flimsy coat if you're going out in this weather, Miss Montgomery." The older gentleman admonished in his broad New England accent.

Emily had always liked George. He was attentive, kind and considerate, feeling a little like the grandfather she had never had. In her university years, he often picked her up to bring her home for holidays or special occasions. That first year after Finn disappeared, when it was obvious she was struggling, he offered words of comfort and a stream of tissues, never denying her emotions. Unlike her family.

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