Navy Blue: Epilogue

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The car pulled off the highway and Emily rolled down the window, sucking in the fresh air tinged with salt. Too many years had passed since she'd visited Bridgetown, even more since she'd walked the streets with Finn.

Surprised he'd suggested the outing, Emily didn't question Finn. Because she didn't do that anymore. He had her best intention in his heart and she his. If he wanted to go to Bridgetown, she'd happily go.

Turns out the love of her life was a romantic. Big time. He was always surprising her. Words were his favourite. Leaving little notes around their apartment for her to find, random thoughts or quotes texted to her when they were apart and whispering sweet nothings in her ear when he slipped her coat over her shoulders, or to pass time as they stood in line at the grocery store.

While she'd given her sister Mary a tongue lashing, Finn refused to answer Simon's text and phone calls. Mary had been on an apology tour for the last few months, and Emily was tired of the attempts at reconciliation. The truth was, she was tired of holding on to the hate. Tired of living in the past, she preferred to focus on the here and now. With Finn. Their future together.

Emily reached across the gap between them, placing her hand on the back of his headrest. His chocolate locks hadn't had time to grow long enough to curl at the tips like it had as a teen, but the tight military brush cut was wanning. His decision to leave the Navy was another surprise, and maybe her favorite. Out of danger and staying in the United States meant more time with him.

Not everyone was happy about Finn's departure. Freed from the charges against her Lieutenant Casey had returned to active duty, and so had Max. He'd promised to stay with them when in town but Emily could tell he'd miss Finn as head of his unit.

To make up for eight years apart, they'd spent the summer like teenagers, carefree and in love. Reuniting with each other, filling in gaps, rediscovering their favorite things.

Still, the man sitting beside her held on to the hurt and it pained Emily. Perhaps the trip today was a step towards reconciliation. A way to remove one of the bricks that weighed Finn down and kept him from moving forward.

When the car turned on to the familiar road to Bridgetown, a tingle of concern tweaked Emily's heart. Yes, there were many wonderful memories of this small town. Her childhood, her mother, the lake house, meeting Finn and their summer together. But it was also a source of pain, especially for Finn.

"Do you trust me?" He held out his hand.

Without hesitation, she wove her fingers through his and squeezed. "Always."

The sun beat down and faintly familiar scenery slipped by. Emily focused on the happiness of the then and the now. She saw the countryside with fresh eyes and a heart full of love. The world seemed brighter, more colourful, more alive now Finn was by her side. Almost like she was rediscovering it.

Finn took the lane to the lake house and butterflies swarmed in her stomach. She wasn't sure she could hold in her emotions if she saw her beloved home, her mother's house, now owned by someone else. Had they changed it? Would the cherry blossom tree still be in the backyard? Would the red front door still be there? Would her mother's handprints still be in the sidewalk leading down to the lake?

"Do you know what today is?"


"Yes." His lips tickled her knuckles. "But it's also the day I returned from Syracuse eight years ago."

Emily searched his face for a hint of the ache that rocketed around her heart. None was present. "Not an anniversary I want to mark."

"That's why I thought we should find another reason to remember this day." They were almost at her driveway. No, not her driveway any more. Her family didn't own the lake house. "When Mary gave me the letter, I didn't believe her and drove straight here." Finn turned down the gravel drive. "I was determined to sit on your doorstep until you returned."

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