Sorry not Sorry?

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Amukelani's POV

I wake up and do my morning routine and decide to wear a dark red or almost maroon  bodycon dress that is a little above the knee and wear matching heels. It's the first day of a new month and i expected it to be cold but it isn't that bad. I hope it stays this way cause i don't want to wear 15 layers of clothing underneath my suit.

I take my blazer and my stuff and go to the kitchen and make myself some breakfast. I make myself muesli and i add yogurt and berries. After eating i rinse my bowl and put it on the dish rack to dry. I take my stuff and walk to my car.

I drive to work and i get inside and go straight to my office. Jessica brings my iced cappuccino and i thank her. "Don't forget your court case today." she says. "Is there any other important meeting?" I ask. "You have a meeting with the board members and also the employees." "Okay."

"So what happened Saturday?" asks Jessica. "What happened?" I ask. "You go to the office and jiki jiki you just storm out without saying goodbye to either of us." "Oh I had to rush somewhere. Some of us made dick appointment." "Don't lie." "Why would I?" "You would have told us if it existed but now it doesn't."

"Okay then something happened in the office and i don't want to talk about it." I say. "You know i am a very good secret keeper." she says. "And you know you have work to do at your office." "Mxm. It's fine I'll find out one way or another." "Good luck mtasekhaya on the search for air." (sister..)

"Whatever." she says and stands up and leaves. I roll my eyes and continue with my work. Kuhle wants me to sit down and have a conversation with her and i must apologize for what I said.

Imma admit neh I was out of order but she started it first. I don't like it when a person provokes me cause I'll provoke them back and it won't be nice. An example was made earlier on. I wouldn't want to hurt her pretty face cause clearly she doesn't know what I'm capable of.

I will see what's going to happen in this meeting but one thing i do know is that i am not apologizing. Even if she does apologize for what she did i won't do that. Next time she will learn to think before she jumps into conclusion. The fact that i was willing to be friendly with her shows that i don't have any problems with human beings.

I check the time and its time for me to go to court. I pack my stuff and go to Jessica's office and tell her its time to leave and we go inside my car and drive off to court. I get to court and there are a few paprazzi. I'm actually surprised cause I'm used to having two million paparazzis here.

I wear my gown and get out of my car. I get inside the court and i approach Gugu and her sister. We greet each other and sit at our designated areas.

"All rise." says the policewoman. We all stand up and the judge walks in. "Case number 34567. The state vs Simelane. You may sit down." We sit down. She gives the docket to the judge.

"So your client Ms. Mngomezulu is pleading guilty of the charges." asks the judge. I stand up. "Yes your honour but on one condition." I say. "What's the condition?" "The other fugitives that managed to escape also be prosecuted and they get the same jail sentence as my client and she will be testifying against them too."

"How many years is your client willing to do?" asks the judge. "5-7 years." I answer. "May the witness from the prosecution take the stand." The witness stands up and walks to the stand. "You promise to speak the truth, nothing but the truth so help me God." says the policewoman. "I promise."

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