Critical Piece?

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Amukelani's POV

We get inside the car and drive off to court. Today is the court session yaka Bulelwa and I'm a bit excited cause i want to see what type of person the best friend is like. I hope and pray that he knows how evil his best friend was and doesn't try and paint Bulelwa as the evil woman she is not or maybe she is and i don't know about it.

We get to court and there is no paparazzi. I'm actually shocked that they not there cause I always find them here. It's funny how they want to write about high profile cases about the most dangerous people but the minute its a woman that was abused for many years they become silent.

We get inside court and we see Bulelwa and her family. "Sanibonani." I greet. (Hello.) "Yebo ninjani?" asks Bulelwa. (How are you guys?) "Siyaphila wena." (We are good and you.) "Nathi siyaphila." (We are also good.)

I see the Jones family giving us disgusting stares. I don't know if it's an anger one or its them hating the fact that I'm representing a 'stone cold killer', those are famous words quoted by them. We sit down and wait for the judge. "Are you ready?" I ask. "I guess." she says. "Don't be nervous everything is going to be okay." She nods and takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.

"Don't forget to take down important notes." I whisper to Tintswalo and she nods. I think I might keep her as my PA forever, just kidding I prefer Jessica cause at least we are close associates and can make jokes with each other. I can't wait to see what kind of lawyer Tintswalo becomes one day.

"All rise." says the policewoman. We all stand up and the judge walks in. "Case number 232425. Jones Vs Nkosi. You may sit." She gives the judge the docket.

"May we bring in the victim's best friend." says the judge. The best friend walks to the stand and puts his hand on the bible. "Do you promise to speak the truth, nothing but the truth so help me God." says the policewoman. "I promise." he says. "Prosecutor." says the judge.

Melissa stands up. "May you introduce yourself to the court." says Melissa. "My name is David Jackson." he says. "How do you know the victim?" "The victim was my best friend." "How do you know the defendant?" "She is or should i say was my best friend's wife."

"When did you meet Michael?" she asks. "I met him in grade 9 and we became best friends because he was new to the school and i was instructed to show him around." he answers. "What kind of person was Micheal?"

"He was a very kind person, bubbly and he always put other people's needs first before his own." he says and i can see Bulelwa roll her eyes. "Have you ever seen his bad side?" she asks. "Yes. When he was angry he would get violent but he has never harmed me."

"Have you ever seen him abuse his wife?" she asks. "Yes but it was verbal and emotional but I never took it seriously." he says. "Do you think Micheal was abusing his wife?" "Yes but I'm not sure to what extent."

"Do you miss him?" she asks. "Everyday but he made his bed so he must lie in it." he says. "Do you think the defendant killed Micheal because she was defending herself or is it because of her own personal reasons?" "It was self defense." "That will be it your honour."

What I like about this lawyer is that she's an honest one and doesn't try to create lies or anything like that..all lawyers are like that...accept these two particular lawyers that need to have their stories together because they about to get tortured soon.. "Defense." says the judge and i stand up.

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