One step closer?

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Amukelani's POV

We get inside his office and i pour myself a glass of scotch before sitting down. "Mowuwenzani?" he asks. (What were you doing?) "I was just dancing on the pole duh." I answer. "Are you sure?" "Baba you also saw me dancing right so I'm sure." He nods.

"I hope whatever we have to talk about is good cause you disturbed me from a nice pole session." I say. "Where did you hide those devices?" he asks. "Hawu I hid them in his office, why?" He shakes his head. "Wherever you hid them is a good place cause his been searching.."

"Yeah I kind of got caught sneaking out of his office." I say. "What excuse did you use?" he asks. "You know the same old I lost something in there." "Did he buy it?" "It took him a while to let me off the hook." "I heard them searching for those devices today."

"Who was there?" I ask. "His brother." he answers. "Okay. I guess i hid them in a perfect hiding spot." "Where exactly did you hide it?" "It wouldn't be a hiding spot if I told you." "Understood. Good job for getting the job done discreetly." "It's always my job to impress the boss right." "Right."

I could use this opportunity to confront him about this whole favoritism going on be cause I'm tired of being the black sheep of the family and i feel like I've reached my breaking point. I'm tired of pretending that I'm okay when I'm not. "Baba why do you always treat Asanda better than me." I ask and he sighs. "Not this again." he mumbles. "Yes this again baba because I'm tired of the way you guys treat me like I'm not your child."

"Amukelani.." "Baba don't try and shut me out. Your wife already tried doing that and it didn't work so I won't be played by you. Ngikhathele wuwe nomama njalo nje i must be blamed whenever me and Asanda get into a fight. Why can't you guys discipline her the same way you manage to discipline me. What did i ever do to you guys that made you treat me the way you guys do? I agreed to working on the case because I was tired of Joburg and i wanted to get away from you guys. You couldn't even give me a proper congratulations when I told you about the new case all you said was good just good. I am tired of the both of you. Now I had to sacrifice myself again just so we can go to that stupid war of yours for what i also don't know. I always do my best to impress you baba but still it's never enough. I admit you love me and i know that but you don't show it baba. You are able to express it to your other kids what's so different about me. I just want to know why I'm being treated the way I am and I'm only valued now because I am going ahead with these plans for you guys if it wasn't for this war I doubt you would care about me and i doubt Asanda would be this nice. Just because I sit and laugh with you and don't say anything doesn't mean I like the way you treat me. I've reached my breaking point and I'm tired of you and mom, I'm tired."

"I'm sorry." he says. "That's what she also said after my speech. You guys are only apologising because I highlighted your wrongs. Had I not done that would you have apologised to me? I don't think so. So please save your lousy apologies for someone who cares. We can talk about the war planning tomorrow when the others come here I've said what i wanted to say to you. It's up to you to decide what to do with what I just said. Will you change or still continue being the shitty father that you are same goes for your wife." I stand up and walk out.

This is my first time ever telling my parents how i feel and i must say it feels good. I didn't plan on telling them how I feel about their shitty parenting skills but I did and i feel better. My mom was a better parent than my dad but I felt like I had to tell her too because she is just as to blame. I don't know how things will be like tomorrow but I don't care.

Assassin Love ♡ || CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora