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Amukelani's POV

Put you up against the wall
And imma go to work till you get off
Baby, soon as you done we'll go some more
Girl just imagine us
You taking me there, you taking me there
Our lips are barely touching
So do it again, do it again
We could be on to something

I open my eyes and i see him still sleeping. He must be tired. We tired the hell out of each other last night or should i say this morning cause we were busy getting it on until the wee hours of the morning. He always gave off that dominant energy in the bedroom and now that I've seen it and experienced it he definitely takes the cup.

He has his arm draped around me and i try to remove it but his being stubborn. Doesn't this guy know that bladders need to be taken care of in the morning. I hit his arm and he removes it and i walk technically I limp to the bathroom cause he did a number on me and do my business.

After doing my business I wash my hands and i look at myself in the mirror. The mascara is all over my eyes and my hair looks like i fell in a trash can. I can't necessarily feel my legs which is a first. He knows how to leave a woman wanting for more.

I look at my body and there is hickeys all over it. Who on earth gives a person this much hickeys its not like we in high school. I am red and purple and i like it but at the same time I'm annoyed. Doesn't he realise I work? I'm grateful its winter otherwise somebody would have to do a cover up big time.

I go back to bed and sit there. Now it's time for some reflection. Asanda said that if i feel guilty or dirty for sleeping with him I shouldn't continue. Now that question is do I feel guilty or dirty for sleeping with him? I am interuppeted from my thoughts by him pinching my arm.

"Assault so early in the morning." I say. "Kunini ngikubiza ungangiphenduli." he says. (I've been calling you but you not responding.) "Some of us were reminiscing about certain things that occurred last night and this morning." He chuckles. "You enjoyed it?" "I did. Best I've ever had." "I also feel the same way." I smile.

"Ngiyeza." (I'm coming.) he says and stands up and walks to the bathroom. He has such a nice ass. I need to smack it one day. He comes back after a few minutes and kisses my forehead. "You don't have any toiletries neh?" he asks. "I don't." I answer. "I have an extra toothbrush in the cupboard and i only have men products so you have to deal with it." "No problem."

"Uright?" he asks. (Are you okay?) "I am limping and you." I say. "I'm walking perfectly fine." "Mxm." I roll my eyes and he chuckles. "It's not funny Sthembiso cause I'm going to work tomorrow." "I'm sorry but then you will live. I can carry you for today." "You better." He chuckles.

"So did you enjoy the date last night?" I ask. "Yeah I did. As you can see I'm sitting here with you today and i fucked you senselessly so yeah." he says. "I do have some bit of sense I just can't walk." "I fucked you like you lost your virginity I guess." "Yes I agree." I'll make it feel like the first time...Now I understand what the Weeknd meant when he said this.

"So is this the biggest you have ever had?" he asks. "Yeah. In my mind I knew it was big neh..don't ask me how I know but then when I actually saw it out and waiting to eat I was like damn thats huge. But I liked it cause you know what they say..." "The bigger the better." We say simultaneously and laugh. "Somebody has been staring when they not supposed to." I chuckle.

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