Thinking about him?

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Amukelani's POV

I feel the bed dip and i don't bother trying to figure out who entered my room. I know it's Mihlali but why she is in my room baffles me cause she has her own room. "Mgeh." she says. I'm not about to be woken up for irrelevant things so I continue sleeping and pretend that i can't hear her.

"Mgeh." she repeats. "I see she isn't waking up so let me pour water on her." she mumbles. I think she knows I'm awake so she will try say something that might grab my interest and i wake up. "Don't bother I'm awake now." I say. "Finally now sit up we need to talk." "Did I commit a heinous crime?" "No it isn't about you its about me." "Okay."

I sit up straight and rub my eyes. The headache that i have right now is one of the worst headaches I've had in my entire life. I might have taken it too far by saying that I'm turning up like nobodies business forgetting that there is consequences for every action. Stress makes you turn into alcohol for comfort.

"Are you listening?" she asks. "No i have a serious hangover so I won't register anything you say." I answer. "Go make that concotion so that we can talk properly." "Fine." I stand up and damn I see the whole world spinning. I sit back down and stand up slowly this time.

I go to the bathroom and do my business then brush my teeth. I go to the kitchen and i see the others watching TV. "Sanibonani." I greet. (Hello.) "Hey party animal." says Minetle. "My head isn't coping." "I can see with the way you look." I make the concotion enough for everybody to drink.

"If you want some its in the fridge." I say. "Okay please get ready phela we need to go hiking and do other fun activities." says Asanele. "Eish that neh...okay I'll get ready and I'll be done in an hour's time." I say and they nod. I go back to my bedroom and plop myself on the bed. This is the last time I party like this cause angeke ngiphile kanje.. (I won't live like this.)

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask. "Indaba yayizolo." she answers. (About yesterday.) "Me teasing you and all that." "No not that I'm used to you guys embarrassing me and me doing the samething to you guys so its not a problem." "Did he do something to you?" "No he didn't." "Okay what happened."

"Okay so we talked about things and i asked him why he was going at a slow pace and all that." she says. "And what was the reason?" I ask. "He just said that like past relationships affected him real bad and he was scared of opening up his heart to me." "Isn't that a typical excuse for men." "It is but with him it sounded so honest."

"So you gave him a chance?" I ask. "Yes I did." she answers. "Did you get to do late night activities." "Yeah I did. I don't know how i was able to walk to your bedroom without falling." I giggle. "Is it good?" "The best i ever had." I smile.

"Do you really like him?" I ask. "Yeah I do. He has all the qualities I look for in a guy and he definitely knows how to leave a woman wanting for more." she answers. "You do know what you getting yourself into right?" "What do you mean by that?" "Nothing but please get into this relationship with your eyes open." "Okay i will."

"As long as he makes you happy and you become giddy when you talk about him then I shall accept him." I say. "Thank you so much my friend. I really appreciate you." she says. I smile and we hug each other. "Let me go shower so we can go hiking." "I'll pass." "Those legs need to worked out so it can feel better." "Fine."

I go inside the bathroom and take a shower. After showering I lotion my body and wear black biker shorts and an oversized black t-shirt with black sneakers. I won't wear my label shoes cause they will get ruined so let's just stick to the no name brand. I brush my baby hair and add lip gloss. I take my sunglasses and phone and a sling bag which will have the essentials.

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