Final Verdict?

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Amukelani's POV

I get to the office and Jessica comes with my iced cappuccino and i thank her. "So are you ready?" she asks. "Yes I am ready. Hopefully with the evidence I have its enough to convince the judge to believe my story." I say. Today is the day where we might get our verdict. I hope things go my way after all the effort I put into this case.

After this I will be left with Manqoba's case only and then maybe we can start digging and investigating who is behind the arrests for these two men. I always wonder had it not been for this arrest would I have had to seduce Sthembiso or would we have found another way.

"Don't worry, if you have listening devices that prove that it was a set up then the judge should believe you." she says. "Let's hope so. Any meetings after court?" I ask. "Nope." "I'll take a half day then it's a Friday either way."

"Can I take one too." she says. "You more then welcome." I say. "Can we go buy clothes for the baby." "Why me out of all people?" "Because you taking an off day and i need someone I can talk too." "What do I know about baby shopping?" "You don't have to know anything cause I'll be the one thats shopping."

"Do I really have to go with you?" I ask. "Yes. As my big sister you should." she says. "Just because i said that it doesn't mean you must take my kindness for granted." "I'm not taking your kindness for granted and i may need your input in certain things about life so its best you come with me." "Since I care about you it's fine but I'll pass by my place and change first before we go."

"Thank you. You the best." she says. "Of course i am." I say and she laughs. "I'll let you know when its time to leave." "Okay." She stands up and leaves.


We get inside the car and we drive off to court. When we get there we find the paprazzi doing their job and today I feel like there is more paprazzi unlike the other times. It's like they know something big is going to happen. Hopefully Siyanda is ready to get embarrassed and has a life policy for her daughter cause knowing Sthembiso she isn't getting away with it.

I wear my gown and we get out of the car. "You look pretty today." "Are we going to get the verdict?" "Is your client guilty?" "How would you feel if you were to lose this case?" "Did they bribe anyone?" I roll my eyes and get inside the courtroom.

We approach Sthembiso's family and we greet each other and sit at our designated seats. I stand up and go to the bathroom. I go back and i hear two people talking. I feel like eavesdropping so I do just that.

"So is it going to go according to plan?" asked Siyanda. "Yes it is just calm down and play the supportive girlfriend and let me do my job." says Nthabiseng. "After this I'm definitely missing having late night sessions with him." "You will reminisce about your sessions after we win lets just focus on the jackpot." "Okay." I walk past them and we greet each other. Siyanda looks a bit embarrassed that I caught her here.

This is about to be an interesting court session. I go back and sit down. "All rise." says the policewoman. We all stand up and the judge walk in. "Case number 882266. Mbele vs Khoza. You may sit down." We sit down and she gives the docket to the judge.

"May we bring in the brother's victim." says the judge. The witness stands up and walks to the stand and puts his hand on the bible. "Do you promise to speak the truth, nothing but the truth so help me God." says the policewoman. "I promise." he says. "Prosecutor." Nthabiseng stands up.

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