Chapter 2.17

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We all got in the van and drove to Sarah's house.

"Guys, listen to this." Pope says. "The diary says the cross holds the most holy relic in all of Christendom, the Garment of the saviour.

"So wait, he's saying there's a holy garment inside the cross?" Kiara asks.

"Yeah. It says the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady."

"Mmm, yeah. If only I may touch his garment, J shall be made well." JJ says and we all look at him. "What? I went to Sunday school."

"Just... shut up, JJ." I say and he looks at me angrily.

"Well, that explains why Limbrey would want the cross so bad." Pope states. "She thinks it can heal her."

"What else does it say?" Kie asks.

"Many feel that we have sinned to steal such a sacred thing, and God will strike his vengeance on us." Pope reads.

"Thing is, God did have his vengeance."

"He sent a hurricane to sink the ship. Only Denmark survived."

We arrived at Sarah's and walked to the room Sarah told us to go to.

"Whoo!" JJ says as we walk down the hallway.

"This place still freaks me out." John B says.

"Yeah, same." JJ agrees.

"Pope, look." Sarah says as we enter the room she lead us to.

"Whoa! You've got to be kidding me." Pope says.

"Yeah. I know, right? It's the island room."

"Incredible." John B mumbles.

"It's been here this whole time."

"No freaking way." I say looking around.

"This definitely means something." JJ says.

"This is incredible." John B says. "Yo, this is a map of the whole island."

"Yeah, John B, I think you're right because this is Rixon's right here." JJ says pointing to the spot on the map. "And then, there's the lighthouse."

"There's Parcel 9 and the well." I say looking at him.

"So if that's Parcel 9, and then if that's Rixon's, then that's gotta be the surf break at Mase." John B says walking to another part of the room.

"Right. And look." JJ walks over to him. "Pope come here. This is Denmark's handwriting for sure."

"The drawings, they match up." Pope says hold the piece of paper beside the drawing on the wall.

"Holy shit." John B whispered.

"Denmark, you genius!" Pope turns around. "These are all his drawings. He... he painted this entire room."

"Yeah, question is why." Kie says. "What's he trying to tell us?"

"It's gotta have something to do with the key, right? Right?" JJ asks.

"Yeah, but what?"

"How did you know to uncover this?" I ask Sarah.

"I didn't." She says. "It was like this when i got home."

"What?" JJ questions.

"Okay, then who did it?" Kie asks.

"I don't know." Sarah tells us.

"The freaks." Wheezie comes out of no where and scares us all.

"Wheeze." Sarah looks over at her sister.

"What freaks are we talking about, Wheeze?" JJ asks.

"Uh... that sick lady and her attack dog." She says. "They showed up last night, and they wanted to talk to Rafe."

"Wait. Pale blond lady?" JJ asks.

"She have crutches?" I question.

"Uh-huh." Wheezie confirmes.

"It's gotta be Limbrey." Pope says.

"What happened?" John B asks her.

"Well, first they searched the whole house looking for something, and then Rafe told me to go upstairs. But i didn't wanna miss out, so i listened through the grate. And they were talking about getting across the sand flamingo?" Wheezie explained.

"That's code for something." JJ tells us.

"The cross. The Cross of Santo Domingo?" I ask her.

"Yeah, that's it." She nods. "Oh, and they were talking about like angels. A lot of angel talk. I don't know."

"Angels?" John B questions.

"Guys, Denmark's famous last words. He buried the real treasure at the foot of the angel." Pope says. "They're looking for an angel. We have to find the angel in this room."

"Start looking." JJ tells us.

"Spread out." Kie says.

"There's a church over here." Sarah points to a spot on the wall.

"Yeah, check the church."

"Could this be an angel?l

"What's going on? Are you guys gonna tell me?" Wheezie asks us.

I was looking at a spot on the wall where there was a tree with a keyhole in it, JJ walked up behind and look at it as well.

"It's still there." He tells me. "Hey, yo! guys, come over here. This humongous tree is still on Goat Island. You know what it's called?"

"Angel oak." Pope says.

"And look there, there's a the keyhole."

"Wait." John B says.

"That means the cross is buried at the foot of the angel." Pope says. "That must be where he put it. That must be where they are right now! We have to go!"

"I think I'm Sherlock Holmes, alright?" JJ says. "You're welcome, by the way."

"Yeah, that was all you."

"Hurry up, Sherlock." John B tells him.

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