Kelly Christmas Eve

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Rhys and I spent the day shopping for Christmas presents, making our annual stop at the cafe for a slice of cake and a hot chocolate. On the way home, Rhys began to talk about the Christmas plans, something we'd discussed more than ten times that day.

"Are you sure it's okay for you to wrap them?" He asked, referring to the presents he had purchased for Olivia.
"Of course, probably for the best. Wrapping has never been your strong point." I laughed.
"I can't wait to see her face; I can't believe I have her for Christmas."
"You deserve it. All of it. I'm proud of you for not giving up. What time does she have to go back on Christmas Day?"
"Not until 12:30pm; her mum wants her for dinner, and she'll get Santa presents there too, obviously."
"Yeah. At least it's civil now. It'll be a quiet Christmas this year, just us and Dad for dinner then."

Normally our parents would come together at Christmas, a tradition that started when we were still young and carried on as we got older. Mum was spending Christmas in Dubai this year with work.

"Possibly, if this storm passes."
"What do you mean?"
"We could have the England captain and her mum for Christmas dinner." He laughed, nudging me with his elbow.
"Oh my god. I think I would die. I'm too awkward for that!"
"She's quiet, isn't she? Mum seems nice though."
"Yeah. They both seem nice; she's definitely the shyest celebrity I've ever met." I said as we pulled into Dad's driveway.
"True. I'll text you anyway to keep you updated. Love you." Rhys said as he stepped out of the car.

I beeped the horn twice to Dad, who was waving at the window, and began the drive back to my house, the storm still battering my car and making the drive home longer as my speed was dramatically decreased.

Once I'd arrived home, I took out my work and began to search through endless documents, making more plans for court. After several hours and more Christmas sweets than I care to admit, I tidied up the documents and decided to wait until after Boxing Day to complete anything else.
I checked my phone to see a notification from Rhys.

Don't work too hard, sis.

How do you know I'm working?🙄

You're always working! She's still here; no flights yet.

Hopefully they get one soon. It's not nice being away from family at this time.

Even worse if you have to sleep on Dad's broken sofas!😂

Can't they get a hotel?

Dad insisted they stay🙃

I wasn't surprised that Dad was insisting they stay. After all, they had travelled here to meet him for the car. I did feel sorry for them though; Rhys was right. That sofa has been around for longer than I can remember, and the arms of it are like tree trunks. I began to wrap Olivia's presents, taking extra care to ensure they looked like they had been perfectly wrapped by Santa's elves. The Grinch played in the background as I hummed along to the music and sipped some mulled wine. This is the life - alone but happy.

I woke up the following morning to the sound of banging on my door. I grabbed my dressing gown, wrapping myself up before I opened it to see the postman, saturated and miserable.

"God, Timmy, I can't believe they have you out in this and on Christmas Eve!"
"Last round now, hopefully be home soon." He said as he handed me a large box.
"Get home safe. Have a lovely Christmas!"
"You too, Sophie." He smiled back before heading back into the lashing rain.

It wasn't unusual for me to get packages, usually something I had forgotten I ordered. I tended to buy myself things if I had a hard day at work and then regret buying them when they arrived. I used a knife to slice down the line of sellotape that held the box together. Flowers? Who on earth has sent me flowers? Mum possibly. I removed the envelope, opening it and noticing the handwriting straight away.

Have a great Christmas. From all of us here in NZ.
All my love, Hannah x

"Are you fucking joking me." I mumbled to myself as I headed to the bin with the flowers.

Hannah and I were together for almost six years, meeting during our first year at university. We moved into this house together when I graduated and spent all of our time together outside of work. Just after last Christmas, I came home to find Hannah gone. A simple note on the table stated that she had been offered a job in NZ and couldn't bear to see me upset, which was why she didn't say goodbye. Almost a year later, I finally didn't feel heartbroken anymore, but she continued to contact me on special occasions, including what would've been our anniversary. I'm unsure if that was to make sure I didn't forget her in case her new life fell apart, but I didn't care anymore.

I opted to erase the delivery from my memory and head for a shower, knowing I needed to prepare for the busy day ahead. Christmas Eve had always been a busy one for me; working in the lead up to Christmas meant that my present drop-offs all took place at the last minute.

Shortly after 5 p.m., I had made my way around the houses of my extended family and closest friends, my backseat now full of presents that I had told them not to buy me this year. I drove to my dad's house, my boot packed with Olivia's Christmas presents that Rhys would discreetly bring in later on.

Upon pulling into the driveway, I sat for a few minutes, hoping the hailstones would end before I made my way to the front door. I decided to check my phone as I waited, noticing that Rhys had texted me while I'd been on my journey.

No flights or boats. It looks like we have the England captain for Christmas!

I text him back before I entered, knowing that if Leah and Amanda were there, I wouldn't get a chance to speak to him privately.

If she's going to be with us for Christmas, you could at least call her by her name!

Rhys was so taken by Leah's status that I knew he would refer to her like that in person. He wasn't being rude; he probably thought it was a compliment, but her demeanour yesterday made me wonder if she really was all that comfortable with the title.

After a few minutes, I made an educated guess that this weather wasn't subsiding anytime soon. Fuck it. I'll make a run for it.

I entered Dad's house, feeling the heat from the open fire as soon as I opened the front door.

"Auntie Sophie!" Olivia shouted as she jumped into my arms.
"Liv! I missed you so much!"
"I missed you more."
"Are we getting a visitor tonight?"
"SANTA!" She screamed excitedly.

I set Olivia down and turned to kiss my dad on the cheek.

"Hi Dad."
"Hi pet, get all your presents dropped off?"
"Yes. Remind me never to leave it to the last minute again." I puffed dramatically.
"I remind you every year, Sophie. Every year." He laughed.

I turned to smile at the two smiling faces on the sofa, my heart actually hurting for them at the situation they found themselves in. I thought of the manners they were still showing, I don't know if I could be so friendly if I was stuck in another country for Christmas, I'd probably tell everyone to fuck off.

"Didn't manage to get home then?" I said, trying to portray my empathy without sounding like I was annoyed that they were here.
"No, still no flights or boats, unfortunately." Amanda spoke, shrugging her shoulders with an obvious sadness in her eyes.
"Do you have family waiting at home?"
"A son, he's with his Dad. Don't think they'll be getting much of a Christmas dinner if it's them cooking it." She laughed, trying to be lighthearted, but I could tell she was devastated.
"At least you'll get to join the annual Kelly family Christmas Eve party!"
"We really don't want to impose." Leah said it so quietly that I was unsure if I was even meant to hear her.
"Don't be silly; an extra few bodies isn't going to break the routine."
"Is this a VIP occasion?" Amanda spoke.
"Invite only." I laughed.
"It's an honour." Leah joked, her willingness to join the conversation startling me in a good way.
"This is going to be the best Christmas ever!" Olivia said as she spun in circles.

Oh, Olivia, if only you had known.

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