Special Delivery

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Amanda went to bed almost as soon as we arrived back; she had basically fallen asleep a few times in the car. I sat down to watch Eastenders, with Leah joining me a few minutes later. We talked about how the soap operas were such a massive part of Christmas, even if you didn't watch them throughout the year.

"It's going to be weird not having you and your mum here tomorrow night." I said, wanting some clarification of what she had meant earlier.
"Yeah, it'll be weird not being here, I guess." She said, making me think I'd read this completely wrong.
"Mostly because I'll miss Olivia." She smirked.
"Shut up!" I laughed, throwing my cushion at her end of the sofa.

As we finished giggling at our immaturity, Leah's face took on a solemn look. I noticed and cocked my head to the side as I studied her.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.
"It's just been nice - being here. I like that you look at me as Leah, not the footballer."
"The England captain, as Rhys would say."
"Yeah, that." She chuckled.
"Don't you like it? The fame?"
"It's nice. The inspiring people part. The constant attention and always having to be mindful of things, not so much."
"I get it. Most people with any kind of status say that. You know, clients, I mean." I said, trying to be on her level.
"I'm grateful for it. I know I'm privileged, but it's hard."
"I guess it's just about being okay with yourself. If you are happy with the person you are, then you won't mind what they see. If you're always you." I smiled.

Leah smiled, and it seemed to be a genuine smile. She focused her attention back on the TV for the rest of the episode, not speaking again until it ended.

"I feel like I know so little about you, but I'm living in your house." Leah laughed.
"There isn't much to know about me; I'm pretty boring, to be honest."
"It still feels weird." I took this comment as her trying to ask about me, but I was unsure if I was reading it wrong again.
"What do you want to know? Shoot."
"Do you like being a solicitor?"
"Yeah. I like justice."
"Best client you've ever had?"
"That's easy. I had a mum once whose daughter had been left brain damaged by medical negligence. We won the case, and she used the money for further treatment. She now has a great quality of life. She was incredible."
"Must be rewarding, your job?"
"It is. Sometimes. Sometimes you get absolute dicks." We both laughed at my comment.

Leah thought for a moment, her eyes staring into the distance.

"Do you miss her?" She asked.
"Your ex."
"Not the person, maybe the relationship."
"What was it like?"
"We were best friends. Did everything together. Now I do most things alone, which is hard; cooking, arriving home to no one at night, watching a series on TV - that stuff I miss."
"Yeah." Leah said, seeming disappointed by my answer and leaving me incredibly confused.
"I should probably go to bed." Leah said, getting up off the sofa faster than anyone had before.

I was unsure what I had said wrong. Should I have said I missed the person? Did she think it was bad that I didn't miss Hannah, just her presence? My mind began to ponder the interaction before Leah unplugging her phone charger snapped me back to reality.

"We need to leave at 7:30 for the airport." I said as she barely made eye contact.
"Sounds good. Thanks. See you tomorrow." She said it in short bursts.
"Night." I sighed, internally rolling my eyes at her change of personality.

I lay in thought for another hour before gathering my things to go to bed. I was still incredibly confused by my previous interaction with Leah. She enjoyed getting to know me; she wanted to know more, but suddenly she didn't even want to be in the same room as me. Weird.

The following morning, I brought Leah and her mum to the airport. Amanda thanked me repeatedly along the journey for being so kind. I kept telling her not to worry, but I could tell she was panicking because she hadn't said it enough. Leah sat in the back almost silently, chirping in every now and again but mainly towards her mum.

As we arrived at the airport, I pulled into the drop-off area, and both visitors thanked me. Amanda gave me a very tight hug. As Leah climbed out of the front seat, she made eye contact with me for the first time since last night.

"Thanks. For everything." She smiled.
"Yeah. No worries." I returned her smile.

Just like that, the two women that I had spent less than three days with were gone. I pulled off from the airport and found myself thinking about Leah a lot. I was wondering if she, too, was thinking about me. I wondered if I should've extended my arms to her for a hug; she was probably too awkward to be the one to hug me. Or maybe she just didn't want to.

I gave myself a virtual shake and began my drive home. Boxing Day was a day I always spent eating the leftover sweets from Christmas Day and watching films. The day after Boxing Day was dedicated to my friends; we religiously had a Christmas party as we were often too busy before Christmas to make time for one another. Relaxation the day before this party was key; it was the one day a year I really let my hair down.

I spent the day doing exactly that, falling asleep on the sofa shortly before 9 p.m. and waking at 3 a.m. to move to my bed. As always, I placed the pillow sideways and threw my leg over it, rustling the blankets around my face as I drifted back to sleep.

The next morning, I was dramatically awoken by the door being banged again. I ran downstairs, wondering if my brother had gotten drunk last night and now needed somewhere to crash. I opened it to see an unknown face smiling at me.

"Hi, delivery. Flowers." The voice spoke.
"The day after Boxing Day?" I was shocked that anyone was even working.
"Very few orders."
"Thanks. I seem to have a persistent ex." I laughed.
"No problem; have a lovely New Year." The lady smiled as she handed me the flowers.

I sighed as I took the flowers inside, wondering why Hannah was being so persistent. Surely she knew I wasn't going to text or call after the last bunch?

I took the envelope out of the bouquet and read the note, having very little time for this girl right now.

Sorry, I got weird. I was just disappointed. Thanks for everything. Leah x

Leah. You could've knocked me over with a feather. I had so many questions.

Firstly, how did she even find somewhere to deliver flowers two days after Christmas in a different country? Secondly, if Amanda's name isn't on these, it must've been Leah's idea? Thirdly, did she really risk sending flowers after seeing that I threw out the last flowers I got from someone? Finally, what on earth was she disappointed about?

I pulled out my phone, found her Instagram page, and hit the follow button. I need to find out what she meant.

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