Not Just You

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I awoke the next morning, my head still firmly on the pillow I had put lengthways along the bed. I headed to my en-suite for a shower, put on my Christmas clothes, and went downstairs.

To my surprise, Amanda and Leah were ready and waiting in the kitchen as we wished each other a happy Christmas and left for the journey to my dad's.

We watched on as Olivia had pure shock on her face at the presents that Santa had kindly left for her, and Rhys had tears in his eyes as he spent his first Christmas morning with her since he split with her mum.

We FaceTimed my mum in Dubai, reminding her that work may have taken her for Christmas but we would be reunited for the New Year celebrations. Amanda and Leah FaceTimed their family too, glazing eyes apparent as the realisation of their separation began to sink in.

Olivia had to head home before dinner; the handover between Rhys and his ex was never pretty, so I drove her home. I had promised her that we would stop at the local park so she could go on the swings on Christmas Day.

"It was lovely to meet you, Olivia!" Amanda told the excited youngster.
"You too. I had a good time." Olivia smiled back.
"Bye, Leah; I'll miss you." Olivia turned to Leah, who looked like her heart had been warmed by Olivia's fondness for her.

Leah kneeled down beside her, adorably telling her to keep believing that she could be a singer, and it might just come true.

"Can't you come to the park with me and Auntie Sophie?"
"I'm sure she doesn't want to be out in this weather, Liv." I said, realising when I said it that it probably sounded like I was making the decision for her.
"Do you want to?" I said, trying to rectify my previous rudeness.
"I don't want to intrude." Leah spoke, clearly unsure as to whether I was just trying to please my niece.
"You won't be; the drive home is better when you aren't alone anyway."
"Park it is then!" Leah said as Olivia high-fived her.

I helped Olivia pick which toys she would be bringing home and which toys she would keep for her visits. I wrapped her coat around her little shoulders and placed her gloves, hat, and scarf on before we left the house. Rhys said a teary goodbye to his little girl as we headed for the car. I always felt so sorry for him when she had to go back.

Olivia excitedly ran to the swings as soon as we entered the park gates, the bobble on her hat bobbing side to side as she ran, making Leah and I both laugh.

"Leah, lift me in!" Olivia shouted.
"I've been summoned." She laughed towards me before running after Olivia to lift her into the swing.
"Push me high." Olivia demanded.
"Please, Liv." I said.

Leah pushed Olivia for as long as she could, eventually running out of breath and laughing as Olivia cheered her on.

"Your turn, Auntie Sophie." Olivia shouted.
"Oh, now that Leah is done, I'm good enough, huh?" I joked, making them both laugh.

Once I ran out of breath, I lifted Olivia back out of the swing and headed back to the car, dropping her off with her mum. Unexpectedly, her mum had a long conversation with me, discussing her plans to grant my brother more custody. The cold December air, mixed with the breeze from the storm, had bitten at my fingertips. By the time I got back to the car, I was continuously blowing on them to try to put the colour back into them.

"Oh my god, my fingers are white!" I said dramatically to Leah as I closed the car door.
"It is December, to be fair." She joked back.
"No, seriously, look!" I said, holding out my hands to prove it.
"God, they actually are; give them here." Leah said, closing her hand around them both.

Butterflies. This was definitely not in my head.

Leah and I sat like that for a few minutes, making eye contact a few times, but we were both too awkward to allow it to carry on. After a few minutes, she released her grip, smiling as she looked at the colour now present in my hands.

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