Initial Surprises

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I woke the next morning still wrapped in Leah's arms; her grip hadn't loosened overnight, and her slight smile told me she was already awake.

"Do you always sleep with a smile on your face?" I giggled.
"Just when I'm happy." She said as she opened her eyes.
"What have you got planned for today?" I asked.
"You'll see." Leah smiled.

After another few minutes of desperately wanting to kiss Leah but being too afraid, I got up and began getting ready. I sat on the sofa as I waited for Leah to do the same.

We spent the day travelling around London, Leah showing me all of her favourite places and laughing as I browsed the markets for a present for my dad. Throughout the day, Leah and I would smile at each other as we made eye contact; she would inch her hand closer to mine as she drove, but they didn't connect. I knew that one of us should bite the bullet and make the move, but neither of us wanted to face the rejection.

That night, a similar list of events played out. We said goodnight, I headed to my room and found myself unable to sleep, thinking of Leah. When I got up to get a drink, she came to check on me, and I once again asked her to stay. Falling asleep was easy when I was wrapped in her arms; she felt like the safest place in the world for me.

The following day, we travelled to her family home and waited for her mum to return. Leah had informed me that the minute she told Amanda about my planned visit, she insisted that a stop-off at her house be part of our weekend.

"So you're the famous Sophie, then?" Jacob questioned.
"Yes, the one that runs the hostel for people that get stuck in Ireland for Christmas." I said back, making him laugh and earning me a cushion to the head from Leah.
"They appreciated it." Jacob smiled.

After a few minutes, Amanda arrived home. She cooked dinner, and we sat around the table to eat together. Leah seemed nervous, almost like she didn't want to be there, confusing me a lot.

After dinner, Leah announced she had to pop out; she told me she wouldn't be long and asked me rhetorically if I would be okay staying with her mum. She headed out the door in a hurry. I was unsure what I had done wrong, to be honest. In those moments, I kind of just wanted to go home.

"Do you know where Leah went?" I asked Amanda after almost 3 hours.
"No, I thought she'd be back by now." Amanda said, just as the front door opened.
"Sorry, it took longer than I thought. Are you ready to go?" Leah said as she entered the room.
"Yeah. Sure." I said, confused as to why she had left me alone for hours.

The journey back to Leah's was a bit awkward, probably due to my underlying pissed-off mood that had been brought on by the fact she didn't even have the decency to tell me where she had gone. Who asks someone to come to London to meet them and then goes missing until 11 p.m. without an explanation?

I thought of changing my flight for the following day. I was due to fly home at 4 p.m., but I knew that there would be earlier flights. I needed to go home.

As we pulled up to the house, Leah noticed that I was marginally angry—well, disappointed.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have left you with my parents for so long. I think I've made it up to you, though?" Leah said as she got out of the car.
"Made it up to me?" I questioned her as I followed her towards the front doors of the apartment block.
"I have a surprise." Leah said, taking my hand to lead me to her own apartment.

As we got to the door of her apartment, two American flags were sellotaped to the door.

"I hope you appreciate that the England captain has those flags on the door." She laughed.
"I'm so confused." I said as my eyebrows raised slightly.

My confusion didn't last long; as we entered the apartment, it became obvious that Leah and I were having an America-themed party for two tonight. The house was decorated with American flags throughout, the TV playing last year's New Year's Eve party in Times Square, and snacks dotted throughout the living room.

"I wanted to ask you to stay for New Year's Eve, but I know how much you've missed your mum." Leah said as she handed me a glass of wine.
"Leah." Was all I could manage before she interrupted me again.
"I can't take you to New York, so I brought New York to you." She smiled.

My stomach flipped with butterflies at the thought of the effort this must've taken.

"I was so annoyed at you." I laughed.
"I know, mum said." Leah laughed back.
"She knew?" I was shocked at how well she'd played it off.
"Of course she did." Leah smiled as we sat on the sofa.

Leah and I watched the events unfold at Times Square for a while, discussing who we would want to see perform if we were there. She had perfected the timing of the playback with the clock, meaning that the countdown was taking place at 11:59 p.m.

"I wanted it to be special." Leah said, as the crowd counted down from 10.
"What?" I began before feeling Leah's lips connect to mine as 'Happy New Year' was shouted at Times Square. The kiss was slow and passionate; her lips were soft and delicate, and my stomach filled with thousands of butterflies as her fingers found my hair and my arms wrapped around her back.

"That. I wanted that to be special." Leah said as she pulled away slowly and rested her forehead against mine.
"I've never met anyone like you." I honestly told Leah.
"I really like you, Soph. A lot." Leah smiled at me.
"I really like you too." I smiled back.

Leah lay back, gently pulling me onto her chest and stroking my back as we lay contently together for the rest of the show. Both of us were giddy from the first kiss we had just shared, repeating it over and over again as we lay together.

"I think this might be even better than being in New York." I whispered.
"I'm really glad you liked it." Leah whispered back, pulling me even closer to her and kissing the top of my head.

After some time, we went to bed. There were no awkward goodnights or making noise, so she would text me tonight. We simply went into her room and got into bed together, my head immediately finding her shoulder and her arms wrapping around me protectively.

"Thank you." I said as I drifted off to sleep.
"Thank you for coming." Leah said, squeezing me gently.
"I wish I didn't have to go tomorrow." I sighed.
"Me too, but I'll see you soon. I promise." Leah said as I looked up at her lips and kissed her again.
"I'd like that." I smiled as my head found the comfort of her shoulder again, and I let my eyes close over.

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